Hi ! I’m new here and I am so glad to have found a place where I can share how I feel. I have a #Scorpio #INFP personality and as a deeply introverted being, I find that my biggest dilemma is that I feel to much and perhaps my biggest “flaw” is that I give my all to people who really don’t deserve it. Frustrations become internalized and resentment dictates a lot of my interactions. I can’t even begin to tell you how many friends, acquaintances that I have burned bridges with due to my inability to “communicate.” I have heard “why don’t you say it” way too many times and in my mind I’m just thinking “it’s harder than you think.” I have a lot to say, but I am afraid of hurting feelings if I were to tell people how I really felt or what I thought and so I keep it to myself. A lot of my frustrations come from the fact that people, society caters to extroverts , I am thirty and I college for the first time in almost a decade away and that dynamic is incredibly true of the dynamic in the classroom. People interpret those that are quite or reserved as uninterested, not engaged, perhaps not as intelligent. All of which couldn’t be furthest from the truth ! People keep telling me I need to speak up and find my voice .... I’ve had my voice and there was never a time in my life where I had lost my sense of it .