Nothing is wrong! 😈 Oooahhh how is important we already know why! Don't we! Con is screaming at the top of his lungs. And then the ground starts to move. And out pops an earth worm with a cone shaped head. He asks Con he says maybe there is more to why?? Xcell looks through the glass. Do you think we care?? The earth worm gets up. Do you really want to be the same?? Emo hastes back we are very much the same and very fine ...yes? But what if you could be better? We don't desire power yet that is what you speak of. I know you better than you think. Says the earth worm and I am only persuaded in my thought to think that you want to continue being yes continue being... Emo asks the earth worm is that so wrong? Well says the earth worm there is only one way. You see someone has to allow you to be that way. And I just came here to say you are not allowed to be that way. Because I won't let you. You see my point there are all sorts of things you're not allowed to do and being regards one of them.