A few weeks ago, another wave of depression hit me like a sandstorm. I felt the lowest I had in so long, like I was lost and couldn’t find my way out of the darkness that surrounded me. At one point during this time I considered taking my own life, but something stopped me. I turned on the radio in my car when driving home and heard these lyrics for the first time:
“I’m like a kid looking off to the horizon, I’m like an ambulance that’s turning on its sirens, oh I’m still alive, I’m like a soldier coming home for the first time, dodge a bullet and walked across a land mine, oh I’m still alive. ”
Interested, I turned it up, and the song spoke to me. It reminded me that even when I am at my lowest, when I feel I can barely hang on, there is hope, that I’m still here and “I’m still breathing.”
Music saved my life that day, and from it I felt more alive than ever. I realized what was important was not my past, not my scars, but the fact that I am still fighting this battle and not giving up. There is hope, and as the song says “Shine a light into the wreckage, so far away away.” This means that no matter how far away you feel or how low you feel, there is hope, and there can be better days. Just keep breathing, and hold on.
I encourage you to listen to this song called “Still Breathing” by Green Day, and I hope you can get uplifted by it too.
If you or someone you know needs help, visit our suicide prevention resources page.
If you need support right now, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
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