Here’s a story that nobody will understand (ok, maybe the smartest ones will, :) ). My name’s Alexis, I’m 33 years old, I’m from Portugal, but from an Island that people are only curious because Cristiano Ronaldo was born there. I was born on the main capital of the island (Funchal) in a clinic. My mother looked at me at the very first beginning when I was born, and everything looked ok with me...I was a normal baby, until one day I started to have some convulsions and my mother started getting worried and she didn’t knew what to do. At 5 years old I started singing on the shower and on the car, till one day I reached 14 years old and I started wanting to sing for real. I started singing in karaoke and contests (won once). Tried to go to tv talent contests as many times as I could but never succeeded, I had never luck at that point. My mother was also the reason I went to Germany (Essen) so we could find some good place to discover what was my problem actually, they told my mother I had a rare disease called Tuberous Sclerosis. It is actually a disease that affect many parts of my body. However, and even tough that it is true, it is also true that I’m one of those cases that you can call a “lucky case”, because unlike me, many other people with my disease are already on wheelchair or worse, and it scares me to think I might end up like them if I have a bigger convulsion. But until now with my 33 years old, I’m fine. Now back to the art and music stuff, like I said I never had luck in the tv casting shows, because I have the tendence to get nervous in front of the jury unlike when I sing at home. So, because of that, my mother sent me to a semi-professional dance group that we have here called “Dançando com a Diferença”, so yeah I found it weird at the first time because I never used to dance before, but then, our director Henrique Amoedo asked me to sing any song, then I started singing MUSE song “Neutron Star Collision” in front of them all, and in the end, the song became a part of his choreography with me singing, just right at the beginning of the piece. That was the first one because I already did sing about 3 more songs in more of their choreographies (and yes I also dance). What I mean with all this is...I’m not famous, maybe I looked at it in the past, but I didn’t became famous and I’m glad I didn’t. Because nowadays I watch one of my famous friends (he’s really known in Portugal) and it scares me when he always has to deal with about hundreds of people and some of them don’t behave well at all, so I guess I wouldn’t like that for me. But thanks to Dançando com a Diferença and also thanks to my mother because it was her who put me on the dance group, thanks to both I was able to sing in live shows even tough I have a rare disease, even tough I do have convulsions sometimes. Thank god those convulsions never happened on stage, it would be terrible for me and for my dance mates. And because of both as well I learned to dance :)
