Writing has always been the most preferable choice to boost our overall well-being. If you’re like most people, you would agree with me when I say that for an obvious reason.

To determine the impacts of writing for your mental health, you’ve got to find the right answers to these questions:

1. Is there any particular kind of writing should you try out to make sure you see the positive results it promises?

2. Should you just try writing about anything in whatever format you would like?

3. Does your choice matter at all? If so, would there be expected differences with the results?

The truth is it doesn’t matter what writing style, format, or voice you prefer, as long as it is expressive writing, which only requires authenticity, honesty, and willingness to embrace positive changes in your life, regardless if it brings a pleasurable feeling or unpleasant .

The reason is simple. Once these two are present in yourself right now, you will soon understand the true role of writing for mental health.

Unlike nonfiction writing or writing pieces of content for clients, expressive writing allows the writers and non-writers to enjoy without physical exhaustion. Given its rebellious as its counterpart, it does not conform at any costs.

Despite having fixed their eyes book outline only or whatever guides, writing has become the primary medium for you to tell your story about your most traumatic events, secrets, as well as projects for the future —your future.

With that said, choosing a specific writing niche and/or option doesn’t help it if my Aunt herself doesn’t want to help herself by it as I mentioned earlier.

Your writing style or voice won’t matter when writing for mental health because what matters is how you show your willingness to be vulnerable and acknowledge your past experiences.

Furthermore, the desirable results will only come to you depending on how deep could you dig into your life and respond to the BS your mind has been telling you based on your writing outputs.

In other words, knowing the writing process involved alone won’t be enough to self-heal. You need to be completely honest with yourself and remain in control despite the painful feelings it brings.

Cry if you must. But that doesn’t mean you runaway, escape, avoid, or dismiss that pain, my friend. Because that pain reminds you of being human and that you have the right to feel these things deeply. Through writing, I mean authentic, emotional, and expressive writing will help you get through it all.

#writingformentalhealth #writingforhealing #expressivewriting