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Adoption rquirements

In Kuwait the process is more like fostering than it is adoption .. because in Islam the adoptee must keep his/her name if and when known otherwise and in the case of unknown parents, we - adoptive parents- create a name for the child as close as we can to ours .. with an imaginary father and grandfather. I will , though , refer to it as adoption in my thought/article.
The name is not my issue here, my problem is how much or how strict should we be in choosing adoptive parents for a child? How much can we interfere after the adoption is final?
The stories I hear from adoptees, things they go through, issues they need help with is overwhelming to me.. let alone to them.
The way I look at it, and correct me if I am wrong- is this: since the adoptive parents are childless, and would love to have a child that is not theirs.. and will not be carrying their name (islam rules) nor will the child inherit (again islam) can we require adoptive parents education, enforce training classes, support groups a must ? Or are you of the opinion that supports: if the adoptive parents had their own kids they would bring them up that same way, so why interfere. #Adoption #Adoptees #adoptivemother #Adopteerights #Requirements


An Adoptive Mother's Struggle #Adoption #adoptive mother

An Adoptive Mother’s Struggle

Sometimes I wonder what You would do
If You were here to see him too

How would my love compare to yours
If You were here to see our boy

Do You love the same as me
Do I hold a light to Thee

Sometimes I struggle to find
The You in me that he so pines

Family traditions, sayings, love
Will our family be enough

Affirmations You might say
How did I do today

If not well, did it hurt
The boy he is or even worse
The man ahead, who will he be
Some of You and some of me

Will he fly high enough for him
With me, his mom, as his wind

Am I giving all my best
When continually I am put to test
A personality that is different than my others
Will our family structure be
Enough so we may heal each other

I know I never will compare
To the mom You are, how do I dare

But trying, even though I fail so
I will never let him go

A promise I will always keep
To his Mom whose love is deep

Our boy he will always be
Mostly You, but some like me

November is Adoption Awareness Month. Please use this coming month to celebrate all adoptive families and the love that is shared between them – the child!

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#adoptivemother #Adoption #DownSyndrome #mom #momstruggle #Love