I Am A Recent Above The Knee Amputee
Due to being hit by a car while I walked my puppy. Last January 2023 After 16 Surgeries & 3 months I was released into a physical therapy. So many thoughts raced in my mind of how will I provide for myself as, I have always been able to provide for myself. There were days I wanted to just go back in time and reverse that night. Made me so sad to know that I will now live a new life. I Loved My Old Life!! To no fault of my own I did not choose to this for myself. I've worked so hard to continue my career. In working with the troubled youth. I had recently began to work at a school where their were many children on the spectrum. Where others had recently began an IEP. My classroom consisted of 8 nonverbal Middle age school children that have been diagnosed with autism. Could you imagine your career. Is about to take off!! Then boom from one second to the next. You're Hit by a car. As I layed on that cold concrete curb pinned underneath the car. When the driver made the horrible decision to reverse. That is when the driver had severed my left leg. At that moment I realized that their will be no way. In saving my leg. My life has taken a turn especially since Ihad just gotten over the of my past relationship. Somedays are okay. I am grateful that I did not die that night. Where I easily could have, had the firefighters not shown up. I vividly remember the firefighter telling that he would have to cut my clothes to get to my leg that he would be placing a tourniquet. All I could see is the steam leaving my body down by my leg. It was such a horrible sight. Honestly if it wasn't for him I'd be dead. My recovery has been long. I am not one to stay put. My life before the accident was on go at all times. Always trying to better myself while helping others in the process.
So if you've come across my story know that your not alone don't be ashamed of your disability. Their are so many people who suffer in silence. You don't have to!! You have a space here now! Where you can share!
An Absolute No Judgement Zone. #Amputee #Amputelife #nojudgement #AboveTheKneeAmputee