7 Fun Ways to Quiet Down Your Anxiety
Editor's Note
Any medical information included is based on a personal experience. For questions or concerns regarding health, please consult a doctor or medical professional.
There are times in our lives when we can be filled with a lot of worries. Some things aren’t going right and your mind just begins to spin.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s understandable that our nerves and anxieties can be heightened. There are uncertainties and delays. It can feel frustrating. You can be tempted to spend your whole day contemplating all the things that have gone wrong in your life.
Here are some ways that you can quiet down your anxious thoughts.
1. Have a fun distraction.
One of the ways I calm my nerves when I worry is that I find something fun to focus on. Focusing on something fun often takes me away from my worries.
The distraction is up to you. What gives you joy and does not cause harm to you or anyone else? It could be music, movies, reading, dancing, art or cooking. Have a fun distraction.
2. Say no to some people.
When you are feeling bothered and troubled, the last thing you should do is add more to your plate. You don’t need to pile up more things in your to-do list when you are worried.
You have to be willing to say no to some things. Put your well-being first so you can deal with what’s on your mind.
3. Have a form of meditation.
When it feels like the world is rising up on us, those are the moments when we might need to pull back a bit. Allow yourself more moments to yourself.
Allow yourself moments alone to be still and practice deep breathing. It can make a difference in your mood when you remind yourself to keep breathing.
4. Talk to someone.
It never hurts to share your challenges and worries with someone close. Sometimes we all just need a listening ear. Be willing to confide in someone that you can trust.
If needed, you should also be willing to speak to a mental health professional.
5. Laugh it out.
You know what they say about laughter being the best medicine. When things are weighing heavily on your mind, get something that will lighten up your day.
Get around people who put you in a good mood. Watch something that will make you burst for joy.
6. Distance yourself from toxic groups and people.
The people we allow into our lives can heighten our fears and worries about our future.
If being around a certain person or group impacts your state of mind negatively, let them go immediately. No person or group is worth interrupting your peace of mind.
7. Trust in your faith.
There is power in having a spiritual practice like praying. Having a form of spiritual practice can keep you in a good frame of mind because I find it helps you to see the bigger picture. If you are a Christian, find peace in your faith by trusting and relying on God’s words. Commit yourself to prayer. Remind yourself of God’s promises to you.
If you are weak and burdened by the plights in your life, go to God and ask him to carry you. Reading the word, listening to sermons can encourage you and ease your anxious thoughts. It is well.
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash