My husband and I realized at some point that so many human rule, routine, schedule, tradition and timing expectations are arbitrary. We realized there is a lot we can adjust, rearrange and change because it’s what our family needs, and that doing that is totally okay. ~~ For example, this year, we ended up doing Thanksgiving late…very late. My husband had hurt his knee and owns a small retail business, which makes Black Friday important and a lot of work. With my chronic illness reality, 3 kids, his injury, and all that he needed to do for work, we decided Thanksgiving was just too much to do that week. So we did it 2 WEEKS later, when his knee had healed and life was less chaotic and overwhelming. The kids were disappointed at first, but they adjusted and had patience. I was proud of them. And we ended up having a very nice, more fun and less stressful December Thanksgiving.

“There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive…
Closer I am to fine”
from Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls

#Holidays #ChronicIllness #Belated #adapting #BeWeirdIfItMakesYourLivesBetter