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hey everyone..i just wanted to wish everyone a happy mothers day..

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May 1st

May 1st is my favorite holiday. It's a Celtic spring festival called Beltane. Traditional things to do are running ribbons around the maypole and weaving flowers into crowns . It's a really joyful celebration. My patron goddess, Brigid, is celebrated. I don't have any plans for celebrating this year. But it's nice to think about.

#Pagan #Holidays #CheerMeOn

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Big love to everyone with a major illness who's recovering from the holidays now:

I've been disabled w/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis for 32+ years and have had cancer for seven and each year at the holidays there's a deluge of articles instructing you how to navigate the holidays while you're ill.

And you can't, really, if you want to participate at all. Because most persons don't understand major illness and/or disability until it happens to them--much respect to everyone who truly does get it--so when you ask that a portion of the festivities be tailored to your abilities, well, good luck.

I'm extremely lucky and I've reached a point in my life wherein I can only spend the holidays with loved ones who understand my physical parameters. I appreciate them so much, but I also know from experience how many others--the ones I've left behind--are stubbornly, stupidly steadfast in their beliefs that disabled and/or ill persons just need to try harder at the holidays and everything will be merry and bright.

I've been able to walk my Pomeranian Jordan today and to feed him and play hallway fetch with him. Other than that, I've been lying flat, feeling like death is imminent in the next five seconds.

But this past week really was wonderful. And while I curtailed all extraneous activity, my body still didn't cooperate.

In my case, it was worth it--a lot of fun, even masked and lying flat on the couch--and if you're physically disintegrating tonight, too, I hope it was worth it for you, as well.

Good wishes all around.

Day 12 of 365

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #cfsisamisnomer #pwme #Disability #ChronicIllness #Holidays #WarmWishes

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Merry Christmas, Happy Yule! Take it easy on yourselves today. We made it! I am so proud of you! The year is almost over.

#MentalHealth #Holidays #WarmWishes

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Holidays for us are casual, weird fun and FLEXIBLE

My husband and I realized at some point that so many human rule, routine, schedule, tradition and timing expectations are arbitrary. We realized there is a lot we can adjust, rearrange and change because it’s what our family needs, and that doing that is totally okay. ~~ For example, this year, we ended up doing Thanksgiving late…very late. My husband had hurt his knee and owns a small retail business, which makes Black Friday important and a lot of work. With my chronic illness reality, 3 kids, his injury, and all that he needed to do for work, we decided Thanksgiving was just too much to do that week. So we did it 2 WEEKS later, when his knee had healed and life was less chaotic and overwhelming. The kids were disappointed at first, but they adjusted and had patience. I was proud of them. And we ended up having a very nice, more fun and less stressful December Thanksgiving.

“There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive…
Closer I am to fine”
from Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls

#Holidays #ChronicIllness #Belated #adapting #BeWeirdIfItMakesYourLivesBetter

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New Year’s Eve #Depression #Anxiety #Holidays

I’ve got a highlight coming. I ordered two dozen oysters and a great bottle of Champagne for New Year’s Eve. I feel very fortunate, exceedingly fortunate that I’m able to afford this. They’re not all for me, but I could eat them by myself if required. This is one redeeming feature to a shitty holiday season. #oysters #champagne #shittyholidays #Stillalive

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We have had a lot of English rain this week which upsets the Duke of Bork’s delicate sensibilities. I will never know why but snow, swimming, and puddles of mud are all good things, but for some reason, rain is bad 🙈. I guess it’s a pugmix perogative thing that I simply wouldn’t understand.

Shorter walks means more unused energy which is when keeping a few pieces of bunched up wool comes in handy, and also makes a very good distraction for NYE fireworks 💥

I simply throw some down and let him have at it, which as you may have guessed, he rather enthusiastically enjoys demolishing and gives us reasons to smile when moments like this happen 🥰

#Dogs #MightyPets #DistractMe #Holidays #Smallthings #RoomForJoy

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