Headaches are the most common form of pain that we experience. Headaches affect 90-99% of the population. They range from annoying to down right debilitating in our lives. The most common way we deal with this ailment is to swallow some painkillers and continue with our lives hoping the pain will disappear and leave us in peace.
Any kind of pain in our bodies is a signal, a warning sign that something is wrong and our bodies are needing help. Masking the symptoms and hoping it goes away will only perpetuate the problem.

Common causes for headaches include:
1. Trapped emotions
2. Physical trauma
3. Emotional trauma or shock
4. Misalignments
5. Toxins picked up from our water, food and environment
6. Allergies and intolerances
7. Dehydration

It is very common to have multiple causes behind headaches. When you take the time to dig deeper exploring why you are having headaches and helping your body heal the root issue the results can amazing. There are many people that had debilitating headaches, but once they cleared the cause of their headaches the pain disappeared on its own.

Do you suffer from headaches? Are your ready to get to the bottom and give your body the help it needs to heal?
I would love to help you!

#Headaches #emotioncode #bodycode #Healing #energeticrebalancing