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How long did it take you to recover from surgery #Breastcancersurgery

I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I'm having a lumpectomy next Tuesday and I really notice how tired I am. I just start a new job in July and don't have a lot of leave. wondering how long I can expect to need to recover from the surgery. It looks like they are also doing some lymph node biopsy stuff. I'm actually looking forward to the time off because I haven't had a vacation in years and I just want to sleep for days


Breast Cancer Reconstruction Complications #postmastectomypainsyndrome #BreastCancer #Breastcancersurgery #Postmastectomypain

The other night I went to a get together with some ladies. It was an invite from my mother in law. I was informed by her that there was a women recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I met many new friends who all knew that I am a breast cancer survivor (mother in law) and everyone was extremely nice. It didn’t bother me that these ladies knew . No one knew the struggles I have with my severe pain and I didn’t go into it. My mother in law did introduce me to the women recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I only offered her a hug and offered support in the event she needed it. She was surrounded by her friends and all of them including her were dancing and cracking jokes that she will soon have the best boobs in town. I wanted to scream ; yet kept my composure. How many women celebrate mastectomies and happy about getting new boobs? There was No mention of her breast cancer diagnosis ; only women dancing and giggling including the woman who will have surgery first part of October! All of them celebrating and even her saying I’m going to have the best perky boobs in town. I was sickened by it and wanted so badly to pull her aside and let her know what she was up against. I didn’t as she celebrated with the ladies. I did ask her if she will have support when she comes home from the hospital. She told me she didn’t need it and if so, that she will ask her husband for assistance. I gave her a hug and wished her the best and offered my phone number in the event she needed help. That’s all I could offer. It was sad for me and I couldn’t warn her. I certainly didn’t want to interject and ruin the celebrated new boobs. How many women who go into this obstacle when diagnosed with breast cancer; and plastic surgeons supporting reconstruction; claiming to make women whole again. The barbaric methods used and assembly line on that given day of so many women who choose to reconstruct and don’t know the risks because the plastic surgeons assures everyone that they will look great! And get back what cancer has taken away. Plastic surgeons who will never inform you of the risks of these surgeries. I just hope that she pulls through without complications. Why do plastic surgeons get away with these lies? There should be an educational video beforehand warning women that mastectomies have many risks and that there are complications! Yet women ignore this fact! I was not going to reconstruct and my general surgeon urged me to see his partner - the plastic surgeon and hear him out. He was the biggest cheerleader and promised such amazing results. That I should not go flat and I was the perfect candidate for reconstruction. Telling me - Lidia, don’t do this! Don’t go flat! I will make you whole again and you will look marvelous. The biggest cheerleader who convinced me to go for it. I was excited!

I am disabled with severe chronic pain/post mastectomy pain syndrome! Beware! #Plasticsurgeon #postmastectomypainsyndrome