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Cancer again

So I just got diagnosed with squamous cell cancer . I've had abdominal pain for years now, but my GI doc just kept shining me on. I wasn't going to tell my wife until I'd talked to all my various specialists, but she knew there was something wrong and asked me. I'm worried about her and all my family when I tell them. My wife and I had a huge fight after the hospital lab work yesterday. She made me use my walker instead of my wheelchair with a broken hip. Because she hasn't cleaned out the car in 6 months and my walker was already in there. Long hospital hallways and a hard walk to and from the car wore me down. I yelled at her for not having any empathy, which has been a problem for our entire relationship. She hasn't bothered to learn about all my diagnoses in 21 years. She has refused to buy me food that I can eat, which has been a huge contribution to having cancer again. I'm going to have to work this out in therapy so I don't blame her to her face. She doesn't deserve that guilt. She was severely abused as a child and has never really worked through it all. It resulted in lack of empathy and great difficulty putting herself in others shoes. I have asked her to do couples therapy again. Keeping on, keeping on.

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Not again!

I just got diagnosed with cancer for the fourth time😈😈😈 At 69, with all my autoimmune disorders and so much pain, I don't want to have radiation and stuff. I'd rather have home hospice.
How am I going to tell my family?

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A completely wasted day

I woke up early this morning full of energy and motivation. Then it all dissolved lol. Ended up taking a nap and ended up accomplishing nothing. The past week or so I’ve gotten used to that 2 o’clock nap followed by a poor night sleep so I need to change my sleep schedule. Tomorrow is yard day and I’ll finish my project Friday and Saturday . I’ve spent so much time working on the inside of the house that I’ve neglected things on the outside. Little things like recaulking windows etc etc. My wife has started talking about what needs to be done with her mother ( she’s a only child ) so I hate where this conversation is heading . Her cousin doesn’t have long and probably won’t make it to Sunday. He was diagnosed less then a year ago with stage 4 colon cancer which had already spread and he said no to any chemo/ radiation treatment. I honestly respect his decision as I believe in quality versus quantity. I have no clue if I’ll be driving them to Virginia before or after. I’ll leave that decision up to them. Guys and Gals, please get your colonoscopy when due, it’s the 2 nd leading cause of cancer deaths that is preventable if caught early. Closing for now, Wishing everyone a relaxing evening with a restful night of sleep….David PS. Pic of my relaxation room. I think everyone needs a space for just themselves. Hopefully it won’t turn into a mother in law room lol

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Back On The Battlefield #Mentalbreakdown

Sometimes that can be a good word, and sometimes that can be a bad word. This time it’s a bad word. Again. I’m fighting to come to terms with my lack of sanity and how to have a “why” for my life’s disarray. Again. I’m arguing with myself why I can’t be more put together and “stronger” while dealing with shared experiences the human existence. Why is my ability to thrive stunted to those around me? Comparing through a foggy lense doesn’t portray exact details, I suppose. I want so much more. I dream of more. And I know I “hold the power of change”- but that doesn’t make the pain go away. A cancer patient holds the same power to have a good outlook, but their demise is still eminent. Is mine? How in control of my life am I? Not many breaks between breakdowns and battles leaves me feeling like it’s just snowballing. I have my reasons for living. For fighting. For staying the battle. But will it be enough? I’m so weak. The house is a portrayal of my broken heart. An absolute mess. Again.

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Absolutely obliterated what little bit of energy I had left going all the way to Emory Healthcare today just to be told my new Pulmonologist will no longer be going to the Clifton Rd. location anymore. Talk about a wasted trip! Plus, he’s all booked out at the Dunwoody office even though he wants me to follow up again in 3 months. Like what’s the point in even bothering to go have a CT scan he ordered. I’m so sick & tired of constantly being abandoned by doctors. My second Hematologist just left GA Cancer Specialists as well. Dr. Marts wants me to see the Immunologist at Emory but, honestly I don’t see the point anymore. He wants me to stop my Gammagard infusions because he thinks they’re causing an allergic inflammatory response in my system when I get them. Might have to go the SubQ route. Anyone else have experience with this? #CommonVariableImmuneDeficiency #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Spoonie

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The hardest part about working with a health condition is…

One of the most common topics of conversation on The Mighty is about how hard it is to be employed and stay employed when you live with a chronic health condition. For a lot of us, that means we’re unable to work at all or have medically retired early. For others, you may be handle part-time work but not full-time employment. And then there’s a group of us who push ourselves to work out of necessity (life is expensive!), but are left with no energy to give to others or our responsibilities — let alone have fun.

Where do you fall? Finish today’s prompt in the comments below. 👇

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #ADHD #Autism #Caregiving #Cancer #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #BipolarDisorder

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Enjoy what you have

How many times have you really wanted something, gotten it, and then wanted something else not too much later? We live life like we're trying to get somewhere, reach some goal, and have all the right things, but that "somewhere" is never now or here. Why don't we change the way we see the world and all the gifts that we experience? What are you happy to have these days?

Also, as a way to better connect with you all, I make video responses to your mental health questions.

The last video I made was about what to do if you ever feel like you aren't making progress in life. If this sounds relevant to you, you can check out the video here:

Otherwise, if you have any questions about mental health, please post in my group and I will try to make a video response specifically for you.

~ Thanks to all. Thanks for all. ~

Speaking of thanks for all, I was hoping we could acknowledge everyone who comments below. I know it seems like a small gesture, but many people here have never opened up to anyone before and being open and honest with strangers can be quite scary. So, if we could show our gratitude by giving their comment a simple reply or heart, I’m sure they would really appreciate your team support. What do you say?

#MentalHealth #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Suicide #MightyTogether

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A beautiful Sunday

Sitting here working on my first cup of coffee enjoying the sound of nature and the quietness of a subdivision in Florida which is rare. Then it’s time to get up on the hopefully dry roof to do some recaulking and some trim painting before the afternoon heat and rain begins. My wife is extremely anxious as we are about to lose her cousin who’s like a brother to her from Cancer. This week has been great for the mighty! First, applause going out to Jessy! You have made great strides in progress my friend. Next applause going out to practicalturtle who in my opinion is facing the root of all the abuse she has put up with. Stay strong and do not fear! Her post actually was so intriguing that I got out of bed and had to reread it and comment about it. There are somethings in life we just don’t understand. Hopefully all members are doing well as each day goes by. On that note, it’s time for 1 more cup of coffee lol….David

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