I was just wondering if other people have problems with their family accepting their mental illnesses... there's not alot of people in my family that have any mental health problems (if they do they're not speaking about it). I'm the only one of my moms 3 daughters that has been diagnosed with anything and I feel really disconnected from everyone. I get told to suck it up and get over it alot! I get told that I'm doing this to myself and I just want attention. If I'm too hyper I'm on drugs (I've been clean for 4 years), if I'm sleeping all day and not being active I'm lazy and a bad mom, if I cry or get upset I'm too sensitive and being a crybaby, if I freak out in public and have an anxiety attack I get told to knock it off cuz I'm causing a scene. This is just some of the things I deal with and I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem and what's the best way to fix it #Familyproblems #cantgetoverit #whatswrongwithme