Scared, Anxious, don't know what to do
Hey everyone, first time posting. I'm so disappointed in myself. Until recently I've handled this whole #COVID19 situation pretty well and didn't really let it get to me. Other things in my life have been too hectic to worry about it I guess. We had our 1st positive case at my job two weeks ago and I worked directly with this person so all of that hard work to be ok went right out of the window. I haven't had any symptoms other than sore throat until today. My anxiety+using a different type of mask was just too much and I had to leave. I started to feel some chest tightness and a little bit of trouble breathing with the mask on. I've been tested today and I have to be out of work until the results come back. I'm so afraid and beating myself up horribly. I hate being alone because thats when my mind wanders the most. Has anyone been tested and/or had COVID and got through it? How did you handle things? Any kind of encouraging words or positive thoughts would be appreciated guys, thank y'all so much. #Anxiety #Depression #Catmom