IM SUPER EXCITED!! 😁 Not only did my poem get published but I entered a poetry contest on the Family Friend Poems website and I am a semi-finalist. If anyone would like to very kindly read, comment, and rate my poem on the "Family Friend Poems website" it would be greatly appreciated. I'll provide the link here in my post.

My Innocence Was Robbed From Me In Childhood, Trapped Under Evil's Demise, Hope Poem
Starting at the very young age of 6 years old, my innocence was robbed from me. But my story doesn't end there, because I was not only sexually abused but I was also physically abused, as well as mentally and emotionally abused. The two people whom I was supposed to feel safe around, to trust, and to keep me safe, were my worst nightmare as a child. I was forced to grow up too fast. I was a slave to my adopted parents evil gratification. I was trapped under evil's demise.