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Just about a month away

I leave for con on August 29th. It's a non-stop flight to Memphis. I'm so excited. I'm gonna have a wheelchair this year so I don't have to deal with hip or back pain. And I've switched to vaping exclusively so I won't be yucky to kiss. I am really excited to see my girlfriend. And we're gonna spend the whole week after con together. We're gonna cook together, go to a special bakery, and go to an antique mall. We might go see the new Deadpool movie together. And there are special things she wants to do. It's gonna be awesome. I promise to take lots of pictures to share.

#CheerMeOn #Relationships

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What’s your favorite way to turn a bad day around?

Bad days are inevitable — and sometimes we experience a ton of them in a row (heck, sometimes even month- or year-long stretches). A lot of the time though, we all develop shortcuts and pick-me-ups that help to soothe the burn that accompanies dark times. Gotta do what we can to preserve our mindset and overall ability to cope!

What are the small or big ways you try and make lemonade out of bitter citrus? Is there a particular person you visit or call? A sweet or salty treat that always perks you up? Maybe you’re a fan of trying a new park with your dog or rereading a book with an ending you know (and love)?

Who knows, maybe you can turn someone’s day around with your suggestions below. ⬇️

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ADHD #Autism

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I got to talk to flutter for a half hour and it was nice. I can't wait to see her next month. I haven't seen her in a year. When we see each other we'll have been together for half a year! It's hard to believe it's been this long, sometimes it feels like just yesterday and sometimes it feels like it's been longer. All of our friends say we are a very wholesome couple. There's no pressure to do anything sexual. I love her dearly. She's the best part of my day. We're gonna spend the whole week after con together. I can't wait to cook for her and her husband. We're gonna have so much fun! I got a special gift for her. I'm so excited!

#CheerMeOn #Relationships

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Food to soothe a broken soul

I was really hungry and it's lunch time. So I wandered to the kitchen and looked around. I've got plenty of tinned fish but that didn't sound good. I've got chicken strips in the freezer but I wasn't in the mood. I have hot dogs but I wanted something cheesy. Ah the hot dog buns are great for sandwiches! I grabbed the turkey lunch meat and the shredded Colby Jack and the honey mustard. I laid out the meat on the plate and covered it with cheese. I microwaved it for one minute. The cheese was perfectly melted. I slathered the bun with honey mustard and then slid the meat on the bun. I was quite proud of my creation. I scurried back to my bedroom with my epic sandwich, got comfy, and took a bite. Oh my goodness it was really yummy. It felt like my soul recovered from the bullshit over the last 24 hours. I feel wonderful. My migraine went away too. I love sandwiches.


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Pay yourself a compliment today.

You know what always cheers us up in the middle of week? Saying something kind to ourselves — which can be especially important if our inner voices have been critical lately.

Need some inspiration? Below are some compliments you can choose from. If none of them resonate, share your own pick-me-ups in the comments instead!

❤️ “You are brave. You are calm strong.”
🧡 “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.”
💛 “You look lovely today.”
💚 “You made the right decision.”
💙 “You are such an encouragement to everyone around you.”
💖 “You always know how to find the light in the dark.”
💜 “You did it — even when it felt impossible!”

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ADHD #Autism #Caregiving #Grief

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Choose a word to define your week.

What does this week look like for you, Mighties? What are you looking forward to or dreading? In case your energy and/or mood is low today — and instead of a full phrase or sentence affirmation to set the tone — let’s all pick a word to describe, define, or work toward over the next several days.

Here are a few examples to get you warmed up (feel free to borrow them or come up with your own!): courage, kindness, patience, celebrate, strength, understanding, or gentleness.

What’s your word? Mighty staffer @xokat’s is “centered.”

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheerMeOn #ADHD #Autism #Grief #Caregiving

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I know I have value

I know my girlfriend loves me the way I am. I'm awkward, weird, eclectic, nuanced, creative, intelligent, funny, romantic, attentive, curious, and I have good taste. I'm a very loving person. I'm a great partner. I am respectful of her time and I don't pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I don't need much to be happy. I'm understanding when plans change. I'm patient. I love her dearly. She's the best part of my day. I compared myself to her other partners and thought I was worthless. That's not fair to me and the great stuff I add to her life. I'm good enough just as I am. I deserve to be loved. I deserve good things.


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What’s something you can try this weekend?

Let’s broaden our horizons this weekend by trying something new or different. This can look like checking out a new restaurant, trying white noise to help you sleep, traversing a new trail (metaphorically or literally), or starting a new art or craft project! Whatever you want to try, give it a go over the next few days.

As silly as it sounds, Mighty staffer @xokat is going to try steaming (in a bamboo steamer!) her favorite gyoza dumplings as opposed to pan-frying them like she has for years. That counts, right? 🥟

What about you?

#52SmallThings #DistractMe #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Disability #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression #RareDisease #Disability #ADHD #Autism

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What holds you back from trying new things?

👍 Pro: Trying new things can put us in position to learn and grow our perspectives and skills.

👎 Con: It can also be intimidating, especially when we might not know what to expect or when there’s a possibility for setback or failure.

What do you think holds you back from trying new things? (P.S. In case you needed to hear this today, trial and error is a very normal part of life… not everyone can succeed at everything!)

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #ADHD #Autism #Trauma #Caregiving

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Here is a pic of me as a senior in high school, I was 17.

This was the first time I had really smiled since losing my best friend to suicide the year before.

It was hard to keep pressing forward when my whole world changed so so drastically.

My family and my faith that everything happens for a reason kept me holding on tight with all I had, putting one step in front of the other.
7 years later my brother was driving to school when an elderly man who was blind in one eye and almost blind in the other was driving when he should never have been. He slammed into my brother going 60mph.

We know my brother was protected by angels. He should never have survived but he did with only his wrist being broken and one of his lungs collapsing. But an officer had been driving behind him and saw the whole thing. He was able to call an ambulance right away and my brother had his lungs reinflated during surgery.

For the first time since my best friend died I KNEW that I could help Rylan, my brother, in a way I wished someone had been able to help and relate to me when Danny killed himself when I refused to date him.

Inadvertently, Rylan and I played parts in the death of a person.
It took me 10yrs to grieve and heal from Danny's death. I knew my purpose was to help Rylan in the way and with the words I needed so many years ago.

Later Rylan told me that my words helped him change his thinking of "why did this have to happen to me, my life was going great before this" to "everything happens for a reason and God has a purpose in all things, this trial is meant to be for my good somehow." Use that frustration to propell you forward as you learn why God chose you to be the one that man drove into."

Yes, bad things happen to good people but not to bring us down, to help us rise, overcome, and better ourselves in ways we never would have done on our own.

Within one hour of the accident, my trials and lessons from Danny's death was already changing and helping my brother for the better.

I worked hard to help him heal even when he wanted to pretend it never happened. But I knew and was guided by God to help Rylan each time. It was the first time in all those years I felt truly that I was meant to be right there.
Helping Rylan vet past the denial, the depression, and anger, bargaining, and finally to acceptance.

Rylan used the things he learned to then help others. We found he was really good at taking the info a psychologist gave him and using it to help others.

They had to do an investigation to make sure it wasn't Rylan's fault. Rylan's lawyer said I shouldn't have posted on Facebook to our friends and family before i went to the hospital but when Danny died I wished more than anything that someone posted about me and him so others knew I was involved. I never have regretted posting about it because Rylan got all the support I always wished I had. He had people to stand up for him instead of having to stand up to them all on his own, like I did.

Rylan's accident gave me purpose to put all my experiences to good use. Of course they found the man who was almost completely blind at fault. My family and Rylan did a farewell to the guy. His name was Charlie. He made a bad decision driving without a license when he couldn't see anything out of his right eye. It almost too Rylan's life along with him. All of us were glad it was Rylan who was protected by angels and that neither of them had anyone in their vehicles with them.

Rylan and I played a part both unwittingly, in the death of someone. It is a horrible club to be in but for me, it gave me purpose to help Ry just as I wished someone helped me in all the ways a death exacts.

After that I KNEW with confidence and no doubt, that everything happens for a reason and God never would make us suffer for no reason.

Everything has a reason and a purpose.

And I am so very blessed that some of my loss and suffering was able to help my little brother so much. And able to change his whole attitude and outlook.

What a gift!

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #BoneSplints #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #RareDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #CheerMeOn #Upallnight #IfYouFeelHopeless #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Insomnia #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Headache #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Lymphedema #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #Migraine #MemoryLoss #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica #ShinSplints #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #Eczema

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