really relating to this piece (and many others) by @soolooka (on Instagram)

On my healing journey I've learned that my thoughts create my reality.

By becoming aware of the stories I am telling myself I am able to learn that I do not need to respond to every feeling or thought I have. Learning how to react in a way that is congruent with who I am and who I am becoming is a process of constant change and re-evaluating what coping skills are working and being open to feedback. It can be so uncomfortable to look at myself, but also freeing. Healing is complex.

I can choose my truth(s). I can let go of controlling my thoughts and emotions, let them wash over me and accepting them, in turn accepting myself. What is more powerful than that ❤

Radical self acceptance and self love is a constant work in progress for me. Slowing down, letting go of control and allowing things to be what they are, does not always come easily to me - maintaining a balance in this world full of distractions takes an effort and willingness to believe I'm worth it, and that's a whole other struggle, but it's all related.

Mind, body, soul, it is all connected. This journey is constantly reminding me of that and the rabbit whole of healing continues 💞

By practicing self exploration and self compassion I (and everyone on a healing journey💫💛) am able to dig deeper and ask myself where the emotions are coming from, and begin to figure out what is needed to heal 💛
#allworkisselfwork #shadowwork #innerchildhealing #spiritualgrowth #radicalselfacceptance #darknightofthesoul #healingjourney #mentalhealthjournaling #changingmymindset #selflovejourney