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Hi, my name is Clafan i am here "Sharing my story online as a way to heal and find support. While I may not have the luxury to seek professional help in my current situation, I'm grateful for the online community that can offer a listening ear. Remember, you're never alone in your struggles. Reach out, share, and connect. Together, we can overcome." 💪🌟 #healingjourney #onlinesupport #youarenotalone #YouAreNotAlone


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Everyone is special, and if you’re seeing this right now, you’re a warrior! One of the biggest things helping me heal my mind body and soul has been learning to love myself unconditionally, flaws and all. Be your own reason! Sending you healing vibes ❤️

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #SelfHealing #healingjourney

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No one talked about it.

No one talked about it. Yanno talk about mental health, any aspect relative to it..

My parents didn't tell me about any of it. They didn't give me any warnings or prepare me for what life could throw my way. They were too caught up on their own messy life struggling with their own mental health, but forgot the ones who relied on them were struggling too.

Adults in my life didn't talk about the reality of how hard life can be, all the emotions you will feel and how to deal with them especially pain (personally the hardest one), the confusing series of events you may go through, or how to even cope with loosing someone you loved.

There was too much left unsaid, not understood, lingering questions with no one to give answers I desperately needed as a child. I had to learn everything the hard way when it never had to be that way, it could've been so different.

So here I am talking about anything and everything. I couldn't continue the cycle which was never acknowledged to even have the chance to be broken..

Here I still am. I'm still here and there's a reason for that. I've gone through so much trauma, hardship, health issues, and pain by age 26. Neverminded the struggles and difficultly navigating my way through life and healing as a single mom of two beautiful daughters, ages 7 and soon-to-be 3 year old.

No one talked about it, but I talk about it now. I will continue to always discuss mental health and every aspect relative to it, especially with my children.

#Childhood #Stigma #genrationaltrauma #Breakthecycle #Family #MentalHealth #Awareness #Parenting #Life #Pain #Communication #Children #Singlemom #hardship #survive #speakout #childrensvoices #Health #advocate #makechange #Hope #childrenarethefuture #teachchildren #selfawareness #healingjourney

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is EveyRosenbloom!

I am excited to introduce myself and share my story with you. Two years ago, I hit my lowest point and was struggling with severe anxiety and depression. It was a dark and difficult time, and I felt like there was no hope for me. But then, my daughter said something that changed everything: "Mommy, you can choose to be happy."

Those words inspired me to delve into the research and find all the ways I could pull myself out of the darkness. I ended up getting certified in positive psychology and the science of well-being as part of my own healing journey. And let me tell you, it has made all the difference. I went from being bedridden to completely getting my life back. The vertigo that had been plaguing me due to a vestibular migraine diagnosis faded, and I was able to start dancing and skating around the house with my kids and waking up early in the morning to swim and go ride horses.

I am happier than ever, and I don't take anything for granted. I continue to practice everything I learned – gratitude, journaling, affirmations, mindfulness, exercise, eating to beat depression and anxiety, filtering out unnecessary stressful content, and doing more of what makes me happy.

I also started a podcast called Choose to Be Happy, where I interview experts in the field of mental health every week to share with others how they too can be happy, regardless of their circumstances. I truly believe that anyone can choose to be happy, and I hope that my podcast can help inspire and empower others to do the same.

Here is a link if you want to check it out:

I am so grateful to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to connect with all of you and share more of my journey. Thank you for reading!

Evey Rosenbloom

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #MentalHealthAwareness #wellnessjourney #selfcarematters #healingjourney #positivityiskey #selflovejourney #happinessisachoice #mentalhealthrecovery #overcominganxiety #depressionawareness #anxietyawareness #mindfulnessmatters #mentalhealthsupport #MentalHealthAdvocacy #mentalhealthcommunity #positivepsychology #PositiveVibes #scienceofwellbeing #ChooseToBeHappy

‎Choose to Be Happy on Apple Podcasts

‎Society & Culture · 2022
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How writing can help you heal

Samantha was sexually assaulted in 2003 and she kept it a secret until 2014. For years, Samantha struggled with her mental health. She became depressed, suicidal, and hated herself. She was always a writer but stopped writing after she was assaulted. She completely lost herself.

In 2014, Samantha moved to Canada. She realized that this was an opportunity to start over. This was her chance to heal. Samantha began writing a blog to process her sexual assault. Her writing took her on a journey of self-love and healing. Her assault no longer controlled her or her life.

How writing can help you heal - AccordingtoDes

#SexualAssault #SexualAssaultSurvivor #rapesurvivor #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #healingthroughwriting #Selflove #selflovejourney #Healing #healingjourney

How writing can help you heal - AccordingtoDes

Samantha Laycock is a 37 year old woman living in Calgary, Alberta. She’s originally from Oakfield, Wisconsin. Samantha has been married for 16 years and is the mother of 3 children. Samantha was sexually assaulted in 2003 and kept it a secret until 2014 when she decided to share it by starting her first blog […]
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Hi I'm new here
I have been battling with depression and anxiety since I was 6years when I got sexually assaulted.it became worse when i got home Nd they will start making jokes about what happened to me.nd how selfish I was to tell that my uncle raped just because he had money it still hurts like it was yesterday. #Anxiety #Depression #sexuallyassaulted #rapevictim #healingjourney


To the kind stranger at Lucky’s (grocery store)

It was the early 90’s, but I still remember your kindness. My Dad was checking out when I saw the 25cent gum machines and excitedly asked my Dad “Papi, tienes 25centavos?” Of course my Dad rudely yelled at 4 year old me “WAIT!”
You, the kind stranger who was checking out on the line next to us and saw everything: I saw you too. You kept your stare at me and from your pocket dropped 25 cents on the floor. While my Dad was still busy checking out and giving me a hellish life, I ran to get the quarter you purposely dropped and put it in the gum machine. It’s been decades but I still remember the fun and joy you gave me that day. Thank you.
#fightingcptsd#Depression #healingjourney #CPTSD

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H is for Healing:

*Disclaimer* this is written from the personal perspective of one of our volunteers. Others' experiences may be varied or different. All opinions and experiences are welcomed, valued and valid.


Any and all aspects of mental and physical health.

#itsOkNotToBeOk #ok #heal #Healing #healingjourney #Realisation #SCUFF #ScarCoverUpFreedomFund #mentalhealthhealing is what we believe will happen when seek help or begin to move through our mental (or physical) health journey. Taking a retrospective view - healing looks nothing like we expect it to look once we are on or down our own path.

For example, we may expect that healing will be being free of our intrusive thoughts or feelings, whereas when we reach a milestone in our journey, we realise that these feelings are still with us, but the way they affect us or we react becomes different.

We may have hoped to overcome triggers and may later learn that the triggers will remain but that we can learn to control the size of our reaction or that a new technique or approach makes us see or feel something in a new light.

Healing may also follow a different path to that which we expected. Perhaps we thought that time on medication would provide a "cure" when in fact we come to realise that more often than not a holistic approach is what is needed - that inner and outer work are both necessary; medication, therapy and perhaps a change in lifestyle are the combination we personally need to reach our "healed" state.

This might include looking at our job, home environment, interpersonal relationships or even diet and the way we move our bodies. It could include taking up a new hobby to refocus or often includes letting go of some of the things that put too much on our time or commitment "plates". Learning to prioritise ourselves is often the biggest shock and learning curve in the healing process.

The healing timescale is most definitely what shocks and surprises most of us. It is not by any means a "quick fix" (and it is certainly not easy). But that bigger shock comes when we do look back and reflect on how far we have come on our healing journey; things that we may for so long have not thought possible become part of our day to day life again, other things we thought we'd never be able to let go of have been cast aside and we can feel massive benefits from this.

A big part of healing that most of us don't comprehend at the start is the realisation that some (maybe all) of what we are healing from will stay with us, but that is ok and our thoughts, feelings and emotions about it are valid and that this#mental

is ok too.


Feeling disappointed and frustrated

I had such a good morning, went to bio rehab ready to work. We did balance today, not my easiest. It's hard when you realise that you cannot feel any sensory input from you leg. It frustrating when something so simple seems so incredibly difficult to do because your leg can't feel or sense how. It's mentally exhausting having to think a limb to move in a way you know it can, because there is no problem with motor function. About an hour after bio my whole spine from cervical to lumbar and inbetween has flared into Neural burning, pain and stiffness. It just so frustrating to want to work hard to have a better future and to enhance yourself in order for you not to get worse and somehow to ge punished by your own body for trying to help it. I know tomorrow will be better and I know I will get up and go on and try again. But right now it sucks! To anyone else whose trying and feeling like they are failing, I'm thinking of you and sending hugs! It makes me think of Nightbirde song It's OK. Right now I'm just a little lost and that's ok. #Pain #Disappointed #frustrated #nervepain #peripheralsensoryneuropathy #discherniations #balanceissues #icandothis #healingjourney

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