For me, Christmas is the hardest time of the year. My husband says when we have kids, it will change. I hope so. My depression and anxiety levels are always through the roof. Christmas has always been filled with memories of when I lived with my mom, being left at home alone while mom was off with whatever boyfriend she had at the time and their family,nand when I loved with dad, waking up to find him passed out drunk, and the house trashed. I know christmas isnt about gifts, but as a child, having not recieved anything than going back to school and listening to everyone tell of all the toys they got. I never felt "normal" and I never really fit in, but around Christmas, it was always worse. Ialways felt so isolated and alone. As a child, christmas is supossed to be filled with family, laughs and joy. For me, it was torture. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for a few years. We will get there. I know we will.... So today, I make a Christmas vow to my future children. I vow to always be there. I promise that you will never be alone, you will always have me to turn to, laugh with, cry on, or sit silently with. No matter what you do, or who you are, I will ALWAYS be there. #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Depression #Anxiety #iPromise #Dearfuturebabies #Iwillprevail #Christmassucks