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People's Advocates for Total Health works to provide advocacy and connections to better health in communities across the United States. Our original focus was Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but we now support doctors, coaches, advocates, and educators in supporting invisible and chronic illnesses in every way possible. Right now we are spearheading a fundraiser to provide 300 families with genetic testing for EDS. To donate or find out more, reach out or go to #MightyTogether #Dysautonomia #Dysphagia #EhlersDanlosSociety #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #chron #PolycysticOvarySyndromePCOS #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Infertility #LymphomaNonHodgkin

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How many of you make a checklist before leaving the house each day? What is on that checklist that relates to your illness? #cronichillness #chron

As my husband was leaving this morning, I realized that we have set up a mental checklist to make sure we don't forget anything when we leave the house: keys, meds, etc. Part of that checklist involves him asking what I want people to know about me today. For example, if people ask where I am when I am not there, what is he allowed to disclose about my illness today. If I am there, what signals will we use if I am starting to feel exhausted or am getting a migraine and need to leave. If you make a checklist, what is something on your checklist each day that relates to your illness?