If Your Illness Makes Laundry a Struggle, These 15 Memes Are for You
Let’s face it: whether you’re sick or healthy, laundry is the worst. There are so many steps involved – sorting, washing, drying, ironing, folding, putting it all away… and depending on your living situation, you may have to haul your laundry across multiple rooms, up and down stairs, or send it to a separate facility. You may also do laundry for multiple people besides yourself! Frankly, just thinking about the time and effort that goes into a single load of laundry is enough exertion for me for a day.
Keeping up with laundry can be exhausting even for folks who are in peak health. Toss health issues into the mix and it becomes a nearly insurmountable chore.
Maybe you have a chronic illness and struggle with just about every step of the laundry process due to pain, fatigue and other debilitating symptoms. Or maybe you’re facing mental health challenges and the thought of dealing with your laundry pile is just far too overwhelming. Maybe, if you’re like me, it’s a frustrating combination of both.
Watching your dirty laundry accumulate might not feel (or smell) great, but if you struggle to keep “that chair” or “that corner” free of clothes, know you are far from the only one. To remind you that we’re all together in this eternal struggle of laundry, we rounded up 15 memes that nail what this dreaded chore is like when you live with an illness or health condition. Hopefully, this list can bring a little humor to your day, and help you procrastinate on folding that basket of clothes for just a few more minutes.
1. Sorry, still in a flare-up. Better luck tomorrow?

2. You might need an 18-wheeler because with chronic pain, carrying a laundry basket is usually a no-go.

3. Seriously, why does laundry involve so many steps?!

4. At least when your laundry’s dirty, you can use it to wipe off the sweat… right?

5. Depression fatigue + impulsive behavior = guess I’m making room for a second underwear drawer!

6. Good one, self!

7. Nothing like laundry to remind you that you have the body of an 80-year-old!

8. Well, just maxed out my exercise limit for the year!

9. Laundry is no match for fatigue.

10. Is scent-free laundry detergent really so much to ask for?

11. Yeah, no, that was a joke.

12. I mean, clothes and chronic pain don’t exactly mix anyway. It’s basically a win-win.

13. Ahh… weekend ambitions. A great concept for people without unpredictable symptoms.

14. That 2 a.m. insomnia-fueled decision to just buy more underwear seemed really smart at the time…

15. Just finished a load of laundry? Time to start conserving energy for the next one!

Do you struggle with laundry? We’ve got you covered. Check out the following tips and tricks from our Mighty community: