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Fighting Back Against Crohn's Disease

Dear Crohn’s disease,

You have the worst reputation among 3 million Americans from all walks of life who are affected by your “rein of terror.” Many patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have to deal with nausea, fever, constipation, the big “D,” and abdominal pain. There is also inflammation involved within different parts of the GI tract as well as abscesses or fistulas, which can make a person extremely ill if it’s not taken care of.

There are ways to pinpoint where you are hiding within the body. CT scans, MRIs, endoscopies, sigmoidoscopies and colonoscopies are some of the ways that you can be “tracked” down before decisions are made on how to best treat your manifestations.

Most gastroenterologists will try a variety of medications to keep you from further harming our GI systems. This way you’ll never wreak havoc for a very long time. Anti-inflammatory drugs, immune suppressants, or newer advancements, known as biologics, are always considered the first line of defense.  Not everyone responds the same way to treatments since some can develop allergic reactions or are prone to getting an infection.

In case you didn’t know, the CCFA (Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America) chapters have dedicated “warriors” whose goal is to raise awareness about inflammatory bowel disease and have fundraisers within the community so the money goes towards research to develop a permanent cure.

So you see,  my fellow “crohnies” and I will not give in to you.

We are the champions, my friend, and we’ll keep on fighting…….. till the end.”

Getty image by kieferpix

Originally published: October 4, 2021
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