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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Crash1972. I'm looking for other like minded individuals, who seek healing and growth from Trauma, Complex PTSD, GAD, Med Resistant Depression, Panic Disorder and Social Phobias. I’m a vet, a father, an emergency services worker (Wildland Firefighter and All Risk Dispatch Captain as well as a Peer Support person on a CISM Team (training in progress)). I have recently had my first Ketamine IV infusion and have. even in therapy and Dual Diagnosis since 2008. I’m an avid reader of psychology books, my favorites being “The Body Keeps the Score” Dr Bessel van der Kolk, “Waking the Tiger” Peter A. Levine and “Dopamine Nation” Anna Lembke. Although my first Ketamine session was challenging, a lot of good came from it, and I will continue with two sessions a week for 4 to 6 weeks. I’m here to learn, support, share and heal, and I hope to find comradere and like mindedness as well as support with understanding and experiencing the journey of Ketamine therapy. I wish everyone well, healing and happiness!! nice to be here and meet you all. I’ve been dealing with trauma from a young age, and am amazed at where the science has come from and to, and am excited for the hope and future of healing process.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD #PTSD #ChronicPain #Colitis

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Hi, my name is Stephanie. I'm here because I was recently diagnosed with colitis after a difficult 18 months of trying to find answers. Hoping to connect and learn more on my new journey!

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I'm here because I was recently diagnosed with colitis after a difficult 18 months of trying to find answers. Hoping to connect and learn more on my new journey.

#MightyTogether #Colitis

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Invitation to participate in IFS therapy ADHD study and help a fellow mighty member


I'm writing my final research paper for my final class for my masters in psychology program and I need participants for my study. I have been having migraine, colitis, and fibro flare ups so I was not able to stay on schedule and now I am in a time crunch to find enough participants. If you could please share or let me know if you are interested, I would greatly appreciate it! Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Here is the blurb on the study you can pass along:


I'm a MA psychology student researching the impact of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy on executive function in adults with ADHD, and I'm looking for 100 individuals over 18 with an ADHD (diagnosed or self-diagnosed) to join my study. The study is five days long (3/3-3/8) and involves several assessments and IFS exercises that will be shared virtually and can be done from home. Additionally, I'm looking for 1-2 volunteers to interview at the end of the week. My goal with this study is to improve the treatments available for adults with ADHD. If you're interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to me for more details:

Thank you

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I'm new here and looking for new friends my AGE (Male 24) please be 18-29

Looking for new friends IBS, Crohns and Ulcerrative Colitis! i have IBS and EOE and have wonderful friends with crohns and UC. Add my snap tyalbob60 if interested


5 years undiagnosed - 1 year diagnosed - Now living a somewhat normal life

It started with feeling like shit when I was drinking alcohol with 18, then translating into having to fart more often than normal to 24/7 farting. In the end, I started having some attacks where I had to run to the bathroom and couldn’t even walk one step and trust me I am quite resilient to pain. Over 5 years I went to 15 different doctors. The diagnosis was always the same - It’s my psyche causing the pain - that was hard to swallow as I was doing my best not to be stressed and thought to have a good mental state. After 5 years it was at a point where I couldn’t hold it anymore. My parents were very supportive and forced me to see the doctor again. There, the first time a parameter was somewhat off and we did a colonoscopy, and guess what… I had an infection - The diagnosis: Crohn’s disease

Then I started getting meds against the infection. While taking them I didn’t feel any relief from the pain so I started taking matters into my own hands and researching what I could do as I now knew what I had. I started not eating any wheat anymore, went vegan (with some exceptions) & did even more sport than before. After 3 months I had no infection anymore. Now I am living a somewhat normal life. I still have a basic feeling of discomfort in my stomach, but that is just fine for me now. I also got to know others that had similar problems and they went to a psychologist to address some problems from childhood which helped 50% in battling their problems. So I’m considering to do that and see if that helps. I am also starting to slowly reintroduce some food and listen to my gut to where I have to draw the line. I also know that this might not work for everyone with Crohn’s - I just wanted to share my story in hopes it could help the right person in need.

If you've made it this far, I'm grateful for your time. In those five undiagnosed years, I made a promise to myself: no one should endure what I went through. There might be someone who is just starting to have symptoms and I could save them 5 years of suffering if they knew my story, or I could learn from someone who is fully in control of their disease and has had similar symptoms.

That’s why I'm gathering stories from thousands who are facing or have faced Crohn's and Colitis. Using AI, I aim to distill insights that save you time, ease your tears, and help your individual recovery. Your unique story is a vital part of this collective wisdom. Reach out to me at, and let's make a difference together.

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Acceptance doesn’t come easily, but it is a relief when it does. My fellow spoonies understand this! My Word Baths are a morning ritual when I invite a word to pop up and then see what definition arises. #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #AnalCancer #CrohnsDisease #Colitis #Cancers

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