Wondering about people’s experiences and how you cope when in a committed relationship and the partner wants to spend time out with friends etc. My partner and I live in separate apartments and he invited me over, then asked if I’d be ok if he went to meet his friend for a bit (he invited me but I felt too tired to go out). He had dinner for us planned and offered for me to nap in the bed or watch tv, and he returned a couple hours later. I initially agreed to this plan, then it proved to be too long a wait and I freaked out. We talked it over afterwards and I explained I need to know at the start of the evening if it’s ‘bro time’ or a date night, that I need him to pick one rather than overcommit. This was challenging for him as he has ADHD, and doesn’t understand why I wouldn’t come with or distract myself happily in the meantime, but I think he understands. Has anyone had a similar experience? #ADHD #Alonetime #datenight