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5 Positives I Have Found in Living With Depression

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To be truthful, when I started writing this article it was called “The Worst Things About Depression.” I had written a rather long list, when suddenly the little voice inside my head started talking.

“Why so negative?”

“Because I can’t stand this stupid disease!” I retorted.

“But there are positive sides of it, and no one writes about them.”

“No there isn’t,” I scoffed at her. “Shut up! Let me write what I want!”

But I know the voice is right and I should listen to her. There are a few positive sides to depression, even though the negative tops them by far. Why be negative when we can be positive?

1. I’m experiencing something.

It is something the average person can’t. I can feel a sadness so deep and overwhelming not everyone can feel. Because of this horrible feeling, I can appreciate feeling normal, whereas a “normal” person just takes this for granted.

2. I am sensitive.

I am more sensitive to my needs and those of people around me because I know the feeling of such deep sadness. I can notice when another person isn’t feeling well or needs help. I know what to say and what not to say.

3. When I feel happy, I feel it with all my heart.

I’ve been feeling so miserable for so long when a spark of happiness comes down the lane I feel it so strongly and enjoy every moment of it!

4. My friends and family always check on me to make sure I’m OK.

Admittingly, it can be a little annoying sometimes, but I know there are people out there who love me and care about me even though I have a sickness they can’t see.

5. I’m alive!

Depression has been so close to ending my life so many times. I’ve fought off the urge to end my misery countless times, and I have succeeded. Although, I may still be miserable most of the time, I’m alive right now! I will go on living and I will fight my sickness, as hard as I have to and one day I will get better. Someone will find a cure for this disease, and I will look back and laugh at how miserable I could have ever been.

Although my list of the negative aspects of depression was much longer, I think this list is better and more inspiring. So if you’re suffering from depression, try to look at the good side, even though it’s hard. I know, but we will fight through this. You can do this!

If you or someone you know needs help, visit our suicide prevention resources page. 
If you need support right now, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255
Originally published: July 5, 2016
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