As women and caretakers, we already have a lot on our proverbial plates. We have homes to manage, families to take care of, businesses to run, and/or jobs to do. When we don’t take the time to properly care for ourselves, our plates will overflow, causing stress, exhaustion, burnouts and breakdowns. Stressful situations and environments are major risk factors for many illnesses, including type 2 diabetes. If you’re already diagnosed with diabetes, then the additional stressful demands of playing superwoman will make it extremely difficult to manage our conditions, causing us to experience more health complications.

Ladies, we need to surrender our capes and take better care of ourselves!

If we want to continue to live a healthy life while managing diabetes, then we have to learn to prioritize our health because nobody else will do it for you. Surrendering our capes is not a sign of weakness, but of great strength. When we surrender, we are implying that we can no longer go on like business as usual. We give up the notion that we can do all and be all for everyone. Surrendering gives us a sense of peace and relief. Surrendering our capes is not a form of selfishness but an act of love and respect for ourselves. It doesn’t mean that we stop caring for people and helping others. We’re properly caring for the bodies and minds that we’ve been given so we can be a blessing to others. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel guilty for prioritizing yourself by taking care of your health first.


Make that doctor’s appointment.

Get your A1C checked.

Have your eyes and feet checked.

Meet with that dietitian.

Go talk to that therapist.

Attend that support group meeting.

Prioritize and set your boundaries.

Ask for help.

Learn to say NO!

Superwoman, free yourself, surrender your cape and put your health first!

#diabetesmanagment #Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #WomensHealth