With chronic Lyme turned autoimmune, it’s proven that positivity will strengthen your immune system. So what about when it’s attacking your healthy tissues? Strengthening it hurts, badly; it causes severe flare-ups! There is such a thing as toxic positivity. I tried it and felt more shame snd guilt when it made me worse!

So, I took ownership, the blame, I got bit. I didn’t wear bug spray that fateful day. I ruined my life. Also, if I’d had any self-compassion, I’d have killed myself years ago. So, instead, I say “F that! You did this. You’re not putting your pain on others! You did this. So stay and suffer!” Then I go to the gym & hurt myself even worse.

Maybe it’s a strange immuno-suppressing, dark self-love really? I don’t know! I’m not all better, but I’m ripped! Lol #LymeDisease #Depression #self -hatred #autoimmunity #self -awareness #takingresponsibility #embracethepain #carnivorediet #starvingoutpathogens