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How do I rediscover my identity and sense of self that has been stolen by depression?

The past four years my depression has been unmanageable. I’ve never felt this empty and broken. I look at old pictures of myself and that person feels like a stranger.
Does anyone have any experience re-finding themselves after a similar situation?
Please, any advice or response is appreciated. I’m scared. #ession #An #ety #Me #MentalHealth


Told my kids about my mental illness #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #OCPD

A few weeks ago I had told my wife about my mental illness and my struggles. She is amazing. She immediately started asking what she can do. Even to the point of finding me a great therapist. I had be wanting to tell my kids and after this past weeks therapy session I decided to do it.

My 13 yo daughter cried when I told her. She’s been going thru her own things so I think me telling her of my struggles made her see she was not alone. My two oldest took it all in stride. They were happy that I told them and that I was getting help. I still need to tell my 6yo daughter. Altho with her it’s more of a what to tell her to help her understand.

All in all it was a good day.
#ession #An #ety #Me #alHealth #Me #alIllness #Ea #EatingDisorders