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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ChronicDepression #Feelingpositive

Day 2 alcohol and gambling free I’m feeling like I got this I am extremely anxious today but I don’t want to slip up, also first therapy session for CBT let’s see how this goes it’s so hard talking about it I hope then therapist is good hope every one has a positive day


I tried turning up to a group and didn’t work out, I was ignored while they read a news paper and soon realised that I didn’t want to be there not one bit, go through the anxiety of being in a busy surroundings, go through people not turning up etc. So i decided to walk off, so I did that and that my first time of being super positive. I decided that I couldn’t be assed to watch three people read a news paper and actually felt more lonely room full of people than I do when I am solitary walking or solitary playing a game.
I was glad to get out while I did and I’m thankfully #dumpallsocialgroups not coming back. #positive #Feelingpositive #introvertwins #Exerciseisbetterthansocialising

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A Good Run! 🏃🏻‍♀️

My anxiety has become so severe that I find it difficult to leave the house some days. I’ve felt and feel so trapped, isolated and frightened. Being around more than three people is so overwhelming and crowds bring on panic attacks.

Running was so important to me. It was my release, if I felt like I wasn’t coping or things were getting too much, I would just run and it would make me feel better. I tore the ligament in my ankle a few years ago and this took my coping strategy away. I think this had a massive impact on my overall mental health and it declined.

Today I got back out there. I’m no where near as fit as I used to be, I’ve also put on weight so it was harder, but today I ran for 2.5 miles. It felt good, I was outside and I very am proud of myself! I don’t know whether this will be the game changer as I was finally able to push through the feeling of not wanting to leave the house. I think exercise will be key in my recovery and getting my life back on track again. #Running #Gettingoutthere #Feelingpositive