genetic counseling

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What's New in genetic counseling

Genetic counseling


Genetic counseling is a crucial process for patients and families either at risk for a rare disease or have already embarked on a diagnostic journey for a genetic syndrome.



Genetic Results Turnaround Time

I have my first genetics appointment tomorrow. Does anyone know long should I expect to wait for results to the genetic testing they do? #Undiagnosed #GeneticCounseling


My daughter’s paediatrician has no concerns my granddaughter has Down syndrome - will not make referral to a geneticist although recommended at birth #DownSyndrome #Genetics #Referral

Right after the birth of my first precious granddaughter was born-the doctor recommended my daughter see a geneticist as the area above nose between her eyebrows was flat. As she grows so do my thoughts that she has Down syndrome-but when my daughter asked her paediatrician - response was she doesn’t need one. Physically I see many features of Down syndrome but don’t want to alarm my daughter
I know a diagnosis will not change the love we have for her and the incredible joy she brings us. But I think early diagnosis will lead to early intervention.