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OMG owwwwy

My tummy hurts so much. I've gotten sick 3x since noon. There was quite a bit of blood the first 2 times I got sick. But not enough to go to the ER. The last time I got sick I started shaking and got super dizzy and nauseous. This really sucks.



Right now having a hard time focusing on the glimmers/joys that make it all worth it. They are always there, but can be harder to focus on sometimes whenever things get really tough. I really just need help that I know exists but that I can’t seem to access myself. I’ve been trying for 11 years and I’m exhausted, and sometimes scared.

#autoimmunity #RheumaticDisease #GIProblems #UnableToAccessTreatment

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Currently, I’m more discouraged, depressed, angry and scared; but also fighting through and trying to lift myself up, focus on the good/joy, be thankful, and be hopeful…all at the same time. This life is everything all at once sometimes.

#ChronicIllness #autoimmunity #GIProblems #ChronicPain #JointProblems #MuscleProblems #IWantToThriveNotJustSurvive #liftmeup #artastherapy

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