i’ll start out by saying I really do feel like an ass for saying all of this ... but I am coming from a place of stress and anxiety. My house is dirty, the laundry is piling up, The yard is a catastrophe, my son and my pets need attention, the decorations all need to be put away...etc.
I watch my spouse continuously watch TV or game. Despite asking for help and seeing the mess around him, he’s comfortable being in front of the TV for 8 to 10 hours at a time. 😳 Finally the other day I said to him, “I think the wrong one of us got sick.” Oops!
I instantly regretted it, but then the more I thought about it I really meant what I said.
He can have my trigeminal neuralgia, my chronic migraines and my debilitating depression and anxiety while he sits on the couch...why not? I could get so much more done with a healthy body. i’m frustrated with the body that I have and clearly frustrated with my husband.
just wondering if anyone has ever felt the same way?
#trigeminal neuralgia #Depression #Anxiety #husbandissues