When I was 13, my appendix ruptured and I had it taken out, that was the point when I started passing out and having 'seizures'. Multiple doctors told me it was in my head and I was doing it for attention so eventually we paid privately for a doctor in London who officially diagnosed me with PoTS. I tried different medications and treatment and none of it made any difference. My passing out got worse to the point when It would happen 5 or 6 times a day and I was absolutely exhausted. As a child I was always tearing the tendons in my ankles and had always been very flexible. 4 years later i was also diagnosed with EDS3. I don't pass out quite as much now but I have a whole host of other symptoms. My bowels have started to become a problem which i was told might happen. Fatigue is one that is a daily battle and I feel very guilty about. Brain fog, back ache, I click everywhere, I'm incredibly flexible and I have lots of heart burn to make a few. was told it was something that I could possibly grow out of but the age I am now, the doctors are pretty sure if things were going to get better then they already would have by now. I still struggle with feelings that I am causing this to happen deliberately but I have a very good support network of people who help me with this. Finding this app has been fantastic and seeing all of your stories has really helped me. Thank you all. If you have any advide or tips, please please tell me! #EDSAwareness #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #LivingWithPOTS #Potsie #potsielife #potssyndrome #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #postivivepotsie
#Pain #iHaveANaughtyBowel