Having a cat around is very pleasant 😀 I originally was worried about this additional responsibility but she is so easy to take care of. I hope you guys had a lovely Christmas. Mine was really stressful (at least Christmas Eve was). My boyfriend Jon and I skipped a Secret Santa party because one of his friends tested positive for Covid. Although they weren’t going to the party, it was still going to held in their apartment complex. A lot of his friends were exposed to the positive person and I wasn’t comfortable. On Christmas Eve (2 days after the party) his friends began texting him to know why he was okay going to the 100 percent vaccinated (military required) army versus mizzou football game with my dad and I and not the secret santa party. I had posted about the football game a day prior. When Jon told them it was because of my condition, they wanted to know if it was always this bad. One of them remarked over text what a horrible way to live. I’m so frustrated with these people. The challenges of chronic illness. Not once did they reach out to me. Has anything similar happened to you guys? #Arthritis #immunocomprimised #cimzia