Yesterday, at the end of my session, my therapist very gently told me that our next session would be our last due to the military moving her family to another state. She praised me as her most improved patient and told me she would miss our time together. Her words unfortunately gave me no comfort because my progress was mostly due to her efforts over mine, at my darkest low. I held it together only due to numbness from the news but have had a very hard time since then. Intermittent crying like I am grieving. I've tried to give myself space to grieve but I honestly feel this desperation to not lose her. My issue comes where I would normally talk to HER about these feelings and she would obviously help me, but I feel it may be inappropriate, or unethical?. I do think it would be unneccesary and selfish if I called her and told her how I am struggling. You guys are my go to for things like this. I could use some encouragement, personal related experiences, advice, resources, anything. Thanks humans. #BPD #manicdepressive #dualdiagnosis #Grief #therapyworks #isthishashtagging ?