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How do you explain lupus fatigue to family and friends? #Lupus #Fatigue #ChronicIllness

I am so tired so being tired from lupus and telling people and them saying ‘have a nap and you’ll feel better!...I know I am tired too...maybe a coffee will help...etc’
I was wondering how you guys explain it!

#Lupus #Fatigue #LifeBeyondLupus #SLE


How can it NOT be LUPUS?

#LifeBeyondLupus An extremely high double stranded DSDNA , anemia for two straight years, off and on purple pinkish cheek rash, swollen ankles everyday, severe joint pain, off and on positive ANA, chronic fatigue, excessive hair loss, asthma attacks, extreme leg pain, severe painful to walk everyday, heart palpitations every time I climb stairs, losing my ability to use certain limbs, pins and needles in my feet legs and arms, sudden mouth sours, memory loss, need I say more? Today I almost passed out in Target.


Keep Pushing

Sometimes when people see you living your life they don't realize that you are pushing through the issues of lupus, that they never see. They look at you and think you are okay; When in fact, if you didn't push through you know you would never be able to live a good life staying sad and depressed in your symptoms. Although lupus is difficult, there is something about pushing through when you thought you could do no more. You have to live and many won't ever understand how you can look so good while the war is raging in your body. Keep living, keep pushing, rest when you must because it's beautiful living life beyond . #lupusincolor #LifeBeyondLupus

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