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Making a death plan this may be triggering for some readers. #Fibro asthma #Migraine arthritis #Parent of developmentally handicapped son

Last week, I was informed that my eldest son (51, Down’s syndrome) is in late stages of cardiac failure. He is still healthy, although slowing down due to a bad heart. A referral was made to palliative care who called me to make an appointment re: a death plan in the event that he passes away at home. No one wants to think the worst, but it’s best to be prepared, whether it is imminent or some time away. My son loves the Lord with all his heart and has been ready to go home for years Keep us in your prayers if you would, please.

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Probiotic Controversy

I am so confused, I have a very low immune system from having to take steroids for very severe asthma for the last 49 years. I have chronic pain and a multitude of other problems due to steroid side efects mostly. One big one is my immune system is shot and my adrenal glands don’t function on their own anymore so I must take a low dose of cortizone everyday. My digestive system is ALWAYS bothering me. For years I’ve had severe gas, burping constantly, and bloating about 75 percent of the time. Lately I am also experiencing bad constipation. I have been told by my GI Dr to take probiotics and whenever I am in the hospital on IV antibiotics they give me a probiotic without me even telling them if I am taking one. I just read a long article in this Mighty app about probiotics and it said something I’ve been made aware of in the last few year, that they are generally not good for people with a low immune system and many chronic illnesses. This makes sense to me since even if good bacteria are being put in your body it IS STILL BACTERIA! I see my GI Dr. this coming week and want to bring this subject up. I get sick with everything constantly and want to help my gut and these side effects I am having but don’t want to be making myself sicker in general. Could some of you tell me if you do take probiotics and also if anyone is on any good helpful regimens for bad constipation? My stomach has low motility often also but sometimes it gets over active after overdoing the miralax.

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I love nature!

Momma brought her fawn to our birdbath for a drink. Love seeing nature. #Nature , #deer , #wildlife , #Sarcoidosis , #Asthma , #COPD , #multiple health challenges

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Here is a pic of me as a senior in high school, I was 17.

This was the first time I had really smiled since losing my best friend to suicide the year before.

It was hard to keep pressing forward when my whole world changed so so drastically.

My family and my faith that everything happens for a reason kept me holding on tight with all I had, putting one step in front of the other.
7 years later my brother was driving to school when an elderly man who was blind in one eye and almost blind in the other was driving when he should never have been. He slammed into my brother going 60mph.

We know my brother was protected by angels. He should never have survived but he did with only his wrist being broken and one of his lungs collapsing. But an officer had been driving behind him and saw the whole thing. He was able to call an ambulance right away and my brother had his lungs reinflated during surgery.

For the first time since my best friend died I KNEW that I could help Rylan, my brother, in a way I wished someone had been able to help and relate to me when Danny killed himself when I refused to date him.

Inadvertently, Rylan and I played parts in the death of a person.
It took me 10yrs to grieve and heal from Danny's death. I knew my purpose was to help Rylan in the way and with the words I needed so many years ago.

Later Rylan told me that my words helped him change his thinking of "why did this have to happen to me, my life was going great before this" to "everything happens for a reason and God has a purpose in all things, this trial is meant to be for my good somehow." Use that frustration to propell you forward as you learn why God chose you to be the one that man drove into."

Yes, bad things happen to good people but not to bring us down, to help us rise, overcome, and better ourselves in ways we never would have done on our own.

Within one hour of the accident, my trials and lessons from Danny's death was already changing and helping my brother for the better.

I worked hard to help him heal even when he wanted to pretend it never happened. But I knew and was guided by God to help Rylan each time. It was the first time in all those years I felt truly that I was meant to be right there.
Helping Rylan vet past the denial, the depression, and anger, bargaining, and finally to acceptance.

Rylan used the things he learned to then help others. We found he was really good at taking the info a psychologist gave him and using it to help others.

They had to do an investigation to make sure it wasn't Rylan's fault. Rylan's lawyer said I shouldn't have posted on Facebook to our friends and family before i went to the hospital but when Danny died I wished more than anything that someone posted about me and him so others knew I was involved. I never have regretted posting about it because Rylan got all the support I always wished I had. He had people to stand up for him instead of having to stand up to them all on his own, like I did.

Rylan's accident gave me purpose to put all my experiences to good use. Of course they found the man who was almost completely blind at fault. My family and Rylan did a farewell to the guy. His name was Charlie. He made a bad decision driving without a license when he couldn't see anything out of his right eye. It almost too Rylan's life along with him. All of us were glad it was Rylan who was protected by angels and that neither of them had anyone in their vehicles with them.

Rylan and I played a part both unwittingly, in the death of someone. It is a horrible club to be in but for me, it gave me purpose to help Ry just as I wished someone helped me in all the ways a death exacts.

After that I KNEW with confidence and no doubt, that everything happens for a reason and God never would make us suffer for no reason.

Everything has a reason and a purpose.

And I am so very blessed that some of my loss and suffering was able to help my little brother so much. And able to change his whole attitude and outlook.

What a gift!

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #BoneSplints #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #RareDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #CheerMeOn #Upallnight #IfYouFeelHopeless #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Insomnia #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Headache #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Lymphedema #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #Migraine #MemoryLoss #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica #ShinSplints #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #Eczema

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Here is a pic of me as a senior in high school, I was 17.

This was the first time I had really smiled since losing my best friend to suicide the year before.

It was hard to keep pressing forward when my whole world changed so so drastically.

My family and my faith that everything happens for a reason kept me holding on tight with all I had, putting one step in front of the other.
7 years later my brother was driving to school when an elderly man who was blind in one eye and almost blind in the other was driving when he should never have been. He slammed into my brother going 60mph.

We know my brother was protected by angels. He should never have survived but he did with only his wrist being broken and one of his lungs collapsing. But an officer had been driving behind him and saw the whole thing. He was able to call an ambulance right away and my brother had his lungs reinflated during surgery.

For the first time since my best friend died I KNEW that I could help Rylan, my brother, in a way I wished someone had been able to help and relate to me when Danny killed himself when I refused to date him.

Inadvertently, Rylan and I played parts in the death of a person.
It took me 10yrs to grieve and heal from Danny's death. I knew my purpose was to help Rylan in the way and with the words I needed so many years ago.

Later Rylan told me that my words helped him change his thinking of "why did this have to happen to me, my life was going great before this" to "everything happens for a reason and God has a purpose in all things, this trial is meant to be for my good somehow." Use that frustration to propell you forward as you learn why God chose you to be the one that man drove into."

Yes, bad things happen to good people but not to bring us down, to help us rise, overcome, and better ourselves in ways we never would have done on our own.

Within one hour of the accident, my trials and lessons from Danny's death was already changing and helping my brother for the better.

I worked hard to help him heal even when he wanted to pretend it never happened. But I knew and was guided by God to help Rylan each time. It was the first time in all those years I felt truly that I was meant to be right there.
Helping Rylan vet past the denial, the depression, and anger, bargaining, and finally to acceptance.

Rylan used the things he learned to then help others. We found he was really good at taking the info a psychologist gave him and using it to help others.

They had to do an investigation to make sure it wasn't Rylan's fault. Rylan's lawyer said I shouldn't have posted on Facebook to our friends and family before i went to the hospital but when Danny died I wished more than anything that someone posted about me and him so others knew I was involved. I never have regretted posting about it because Rylan got all the support I always wished I had. He had people to stand up for him instead of having to stand up to them all on his own, like I did.

Rylan's accident gave me purpose to put all my experiences to good use. Of course they found the man who was almost completely blind at fault. My family and Rylan did a farewell to the guy. His name was Charlie. He made a bad decision driving without a license when he couldn't see anything out of his right eye. It almost too Rylan's life along with him. All of us were glad it was Rylan who was protected by angels and that neither of them had anyone in their vehicles with them.

Rylan and I played a part both unwittingly, in the death of someone. It is a horrible club to be in but for me, it gave me purpose to help Ry just as I wished someone helped me in all the ways a death exacts.

After that I KNEW with confidence and no doubt, that everything happens for a reason and God never would make us suffer for no reason.

Everything has a reason and a purpose.

And I am so very blessed that some of my loss and suffering was able to help my little brother so much. And able to change his whole attitude and outlook.

What a gift!

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #bedbound #AnkylosingSpondylitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Fibromyalgia #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Insomnia #CheerMeOn #Upallnight #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Headache #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Insomnia #Lymphedema #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #Migraine #MemoryLoss #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #sciatica #Scoliosis #ShinSplints #BoneSplints

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Migraine Headaches & Natural Supplements

I have migraines and have had them the majority of my life. Being female they came during my moon cycle each month, but they also showed up when I was stressed, hungry, irritated or upset.
Now that I’m older, they show up when I’m tired of reading small print and when it’s too bright outside.
But they still show up when I’m stressed, upset, irritated or hungry.
I have tried all kinds of things like staying in a dark room, putting warm or cold compresses on my eyes and back of my head or neck, eating, hot showers, hot tub soaks, natural hot spring soaks, napping, light block curtains to noise reduction headphones. I preferred not to take Tylenol or Ibuprophen as I really want to save my liver. Everything I’ve read about pain killers is that they damage your stomach and liver over time.
I recently was reading an article in ADDitide about natural supplements. In the article there was a lot of talk about different supplements like Omega 3’s helping attention span for ADHD or ADD children or adults, but there was one part that mentioned taking magnesium to help with migraines. This prompted my thoughts and this post.
I use a lot of natural supplements for other purposes like for my asthma, I not only take my prescribed steroid inhaler but supplement with Astralagus Root. For upset stomach, I enjoy Ginger tea or Kota (Navajo Tea).
Now with my PTSD and Anxiety, I take Full Spectrum Ashwaghanda Root. I also take Hyland’s Nerve Tonic. These work wonderfully for me.
But I know natural supplements are not for everyone. I do utilize many prescriptions but mostly for my bad cholesterol levels, asthma and diabetes.

Has anyone every tried natural supplements for your migraines? If so, which ones have you tried, and does it help?

I was also wondering, what do you do when you get a migraine?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I’m curious. I don’t like migraines. They inhibit me from fully engaging with life.

#chronicmigraines #Migraines #naturalsupplements
#PTSD #MentalHealth
#Anxiety #ADHD

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No one gets life completely easy. Often complication is half the time at least.

Don't assume you know what everyone is going through.

So many always assumed I was living my best life but actually I just have always been good at smiling and laughing through the pain. Pain has always been in my life. Even as a newborn I learned how to walk on legs with twisted leg bones. Only when I was 13 did the doctors figure that out. Not only did I have pain but my pain was excruciating and always a high number. At 15 I had my waist-down leg surgeries to break my bones 8 times and then be twisted straight. At 16 my best friend committed suicide when I wouldn't date him, at 17 I had severe arthritis-in my hands especially. My pain could be enough for 100 ppl with long lifetimes! Let alone one girl.
It is amazing how much you use your hands but it isn't realized until you have trouble using them.

Bed bound at 18. Last month I turned 29. 11 years like this wears on my soul. But if I can I want to help everyone with all the lessons hard learned.
My life has Never been easy but after all this time I savor every second as much as possible and count my blessings many times a day.
We choose if something stops us. Not because we can choose good health or an easy life but because we can see beyond trivial and treat all good things like the uplifting bright treasure they are.

Keep your eyes open! I promise they are there! Just waiting for you to notice them 💖✨️💕❤️

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Headache #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Lymphedema #Insomnia #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Psychosis #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #Migraine #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica

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I love this!

One of the most powerful info I ever learned was that trees that deal with strong wind grow deeper roots that help them live and last and the same if they grow through a drought.

So the more difficult the road, the stronger you can become. It is a fact of life. There is comfort in that for me as my life has never been easy and all sorts of difficult struggles with Pain being a constant for 18 years now, I am 29.
I was never meant to have an easy life. And I know God has the knowledge as to why. With His help, I will see this life through and grow each day-especially at trials and tribulations only grow in this complicated body o' mine.

I choose this life, and every pitfall that goes with it.

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Insomnia #Lymphedema #CheerMeOn #IfYouFeelHopeless #Upallnight #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Psychosis #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #MemoryLoss #Migraine #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica #ShinSplints #BoneSplints

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