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Volunteering making me feel connected

I started doing data entry weekly for a charity in my area. Work from home. It is great working with documents and a known outcome.

I only have the stamina to do 2-4 hours at a time. It is feels great being a part of an organisation again.

Sometimes volunteering is a pathway to a few hours per week paid:
• Because you are known to the organisation
• Get to know people who own their own business
• Have current transferable skills for other opportunities.

Image: plush ET among other toys in a shop window

#autismworking #volunteering #MentalHealth #Fatigue

Edit: typos

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What’s your favorite way to celebrate accomplishments?

When you achieve an accomplishment, it’s OK to be proud of yourself and celebrate — in fact, we highly encourage it. 🥳

Mighty staffer @xokat rarely orders takeout, so she’s a big fan of splurging on one of her favorites: Neapolitan-style pizza, chicken and dumplings, sushi, sour gummy candy, or tacos! She also loves to clear her head after accomplishing something that’s been taking up a lot of brainspace, and will scoop up her dog and drive to a nearby metropark for a leisurely walk on a shaded path.

How do you like to celebrate your wins?

#52SmallThings #MightyPets #Nature #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #Selfesteem #MentalHealth #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Disability #Cancer #Caregiving #Parenting #ChronicPain #Fatigue

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I’m so lost #no real help

I’ve been suffering with chronic pain fatigue for many years. Seen countless doctors and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Cushings, hypothyroidism, cfs on paper. Dr never really talks about the symptoms just shakes head at my complaints. Pain meds. But yesterday I this episode where I can’t stay awake long I wake for awhile and start dozing off again. I feel drunk sleepy. It happened before thanksgiving went on for almost 2 weeks. I have a dog esa. Then I went to sleep early and couldn’t get up until 4pm. Is this normal with fibromyalgia? It’s scary
#CFS #Fibro #Fatigue #CushingsSyndrome #KidneyDisease

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New Sticker For My New Seat #BackPain #MentalHealth #Fatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Fibromyalgia

My new seat for my wheelchair hasn’t come yet, but my sticker has…I have three stickers conveying this message to others on my wheelchair because there seems to be a misconception about wheelchair use and their users…
If you want this sticker or something like it there is a good variety on RedBubble.
Take care Mighty Warriors ❤️💕🌠🦄

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Reaching out #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #Borderline #Fatigue #Bipolar #MentalHealth #Support #checkin #Disorder

Hello, I'm seeking your support.

I was recently laid off from a job that I truly enjoyed. Over the past 10 years, I have grappled with depression and anxiety, and I have been taking medication for the past 4 years.

Losing my job has significantly exacerbated my feelings of depression and anxiety, to the point where most days, I struggle to get out of bed. I find myself spending the whole day eating, watching Netflix, and mindlessly scrolling through social media.

My job was a beacon of hope for me, especially after it took me 3 years to find a job following a 7-year tenure at my previous workplace. Now, I feel hopeless about finding another job. I am so drained and disheartened that I can't even muster the energy to work on my resume and start applying again. I keep asking myself, "What's the point?"

Especially considering that I'm a 38-year-old single woman, the thought of failing at everything and never achieving anything in life keeps taunting me. How can I start over at this age with nothing to build on?

In any case, I was hoping that you could provide me with some ideas and recommendations for sustainable morning and nighttime routines that could assist me during this challenging period.

Thank you very much 🤍

#52SmallThings #MightyTogether
#Trauma #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #CPTSD #Fibromyalgia
#ChronicFatigue #CheckInWithMe #Grief #ChronicDepression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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#Insomnia #BPD #Anxiety #Fatigue

Wow... what I long night. This is the second night that my good old brain kept me wide awake. My thoughts are so loud and scattered. I feel everything, and every movement takes so much effort. So the plan is to take it easy today and be gentle with myself. I thought this quote was hilarious! (sorry if some people don't get my humor)

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When will terrible things stop to happen?

I'm so tired, devastated, exhausted...Just last week my dear cat passed away, just yesterday we scattered her ashes..
And just Friday evening there was a terrible senseless terrorist attack in my city😣Hundreds of people are dead or injured...Luckily my relatives, friends and me are safe...
I just can't bear all this any more...My heart is broken,my head is torn asunder becsuse of these last events...😖💔
#Grief #Fear #Anxiety #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #MultipleSclerosis #Depression

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