Living With Me & My OCD

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Living With Me & My OCD
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Ocd Poem By Ocd Hacks

OCD, a demon in my head,
Compelling me to check and dread.
Washing hands till they are raw,
Counting steps until I'm in awe.

It's a constant battle in my mind,
A never-ending loop that's unkind.
A prisoner to routines I must repeat,
Afraid of the consequences I might meet.

An obsession that's irrational,
A compulsion that's uncontrollable.
It's a vicious cycle that never ends,
A cycle that my mind defends.

But I won't let it consume me,
I'll fight back until I'm free.
I'll face my fears with all my might,
And conquer OCD, the demon in my sight.

So I'll take a deep breath and take a step,
And leave the OCD, my constant fret.
I'll break free from its vicious hold,
And live a life that's brave and bold.
@instgram: Ocd hacks

#ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #MentalHealth #ContaminationOCD #HarmOCD #LivingWithMeampMyOCD #OCDAwarenessWeek #RelationshipOCD #SexualOrientationOCD #SuicidalOCD

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I have EDS,
& yet-to-be-determined vascular issues

My question is not about me actually.... but my husband who has Asperger's Syndrome and at the moment high blood pressure, is diabetic and is undergoing treatment for recurring prostate cancer at age 59: why is it ok for him to "point out my faults and shortcomings, but NOT ok (according to him) for me to do the same? He called me fat. And said it was his duty to make sure that my faults were corrected...but not his... ugh help!



I have EDS,
& yet-to-be-determined vascular issues

My question is not about me actually.... but my husband who has Asperger's Syndrome and at the moment high blood pressure, is diabetic and is undergoing treatment for recurring prostate cancer at age 59: why is it ok for him to "point out my faults and shortcomings, but NOT ok (according to him) for me to do the same? He called me fat. And said it was his duty to make sure that my faults were corrected...but not his... ugh help!

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