I Have Done Well For My First Week in School - Week 1/75 Done!
1. I attended all of my virtual classes.
2. I submitted all of my assignments.
3. I participated in all of my virtual classes.
4. I registered for virtual classes to begin with.
5. I added my courses on Google Drive.
6. I added my courses on Google Calendar.
7. I took notes in all of my virtual classes.
8. I began working on a revised documentary film project.
9. I joined all of the WhatsApp groups for my classes.
10. I got adequate rest to prepare for my courses and assignments.
11. I adjusted my diet to prepare myself energetically.
12. I moved my contacts from whatsapp to line, telegram, and Viber to reduce confusion.
13. I signed up for MS Teams.
14. I set up my outlook account.
15. I downloaded the MS Teams application.
16. I signed up for the NUST CMS.
17. I signed up for the NUST LMS.
18. I downloaded the NUST app for parents and students.
19. I downloaded the NUST GPA calculator app.
20. I made the correct decision not to represent my class at student affairs to protect my wellbeing.
21. I made the correct decision not to enrol in student clubs to protect my wellbeing.
22. I submitted all of my assignments on time.
23. I was on time for all of my classes.
24. I was on time for my meeting with the exam department.
25. I was on time for my supposed class on campus.
26. I was communicative about issues I faced with technology.
27. I was helpful to a classmate in need of assistance.
28. I was helpful to a classmate who had asked for clarifications.
29. I was quick to solve any technological issues that came up.
30. I was quick to solve any interpersonal issues that came up.
31. I was cooperative with requests.
32. I was supportive of a classmate.
33. I meditated.
34. I had self hypnosis.
35. I listened to healing music.
36. I played stress management games.
37. I wrote about student stress.
38. I addressed college stress in support groups.
39. I managed to stand up for myself.
40. I managed to stand up for my family.
41. I managed to get outside for some fresh air.