I haven't bulk bought or stockpiled anything and I have a husband and 9yr child. But we have went into local Tesco and asda and aldi and its so sad and upsetting to see there is no meat, cleaning products, juice, rice etc. We didn't need any of these things before as we had food, but now we can't get chicken for our tea to feed ourselves. We can't get sauce to add to food for a meal. All because masses of people have went crazy and selfish and bought it all. I might have to go to my local butcher to get meat, while I don't mind this occasionally, I dont do it because I can't afford the prices, but now I'm being forced to do this as there is no food left. It's really shooting my anxiety out of control, making decisions with my other half stressful, tension is mounting and it's only the beginning 😞 #COVID -19 #CoronaVirus #panicbuying #Anxiety #selfishpeople #makingmeangryandsad