Hey Bendy Bunch,
I have had IBS symptoms IBS-D since last July. initially I agreed with the doctor at the time that it was probably stress induced because we had just gone through some really crazy stuff that summer. however, it has progressed in the last month or two to being completely debilitating where I cannot even leave my house for fear of not being close to a toilet and soiling myself in public.

Please send any tips, tricks, treatments, tests, doctors you know that have treated this well for you or know what to look for because I am at my wits end with these incompetent professionals here, and I have had no luck finding any good guidance online.

They have run blood tests and stool samples many times all have come back negative. mind you they still would not refer me to a gastric specialist until I pressed and required that they do it last week myself .

Instead of checking what happens in EDS and digestion, they just keep looking at me like a normal patient and I’m not getting the care I need.

I have tried the low FOD map diet with zero improvement, and am now at week 5 of this thing. hEDS is already a full-time job to manage and try to live life in an ablest world let alone with these new complications.

Any help PLEASE! I’m so uncomfortable, stressed, miserable, prisoner of my toilet. I have had to cancel many other treatment appointments and work because of the symptoms being so severe.

#EDS #heds #gastric Problems #medicalcaresucks