Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
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We're so glad you're here. Scroll down to find some of the Crohn's conversations happening in our community. The more, the merrier—jump in anytime!

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10 reasons to join the Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group

1. It’s full of other people with connections to IBD.
2. It’s a safe forum to ask any and all IBD questions.
3. It’s a way to connect with others on the Mighty community.
4. I’m one of the group leaders (living with #UlcerativeColitis ), and I’m pretty cool.
5. We want to normalize talking about poop.
6. We do Q&As with partners like Girls with Guts.
7. It’s a small but “Mighty” community that we want to grow.
8. It’s supportive.
9. Why not?
10. Do it today!

You can search the groups to join. #CrohnsDisease #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #ChronicIllness #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS

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The Mighty's Crohn's Disease community is 76,000+ people strong, but there's always room for more. Follow along or join in today—whatever is comfortable for you!
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What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

Your response may be used in an article or video on The Mighty.

#CrohnsDisease #ChronicIllness

We're here for you.

The Mighty is a safe, supportive community for people living with disabilities and the people who care for them.

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Pass it on by Melanie R.

Pass it on by Melanie R.

Pass it on;
passing the time…
The past is behind,
and time has passed on.
From passages,
past ages,…
all has come to pass.

Not to pass life away,
or have life pass passing the time;
preventing the passing,…
but past to pass.

For Life and time has proven it wasn’t meant to stay, but had to pass on sacrificially for new life to begin.
Pass the test of past, present, and future.
Let go and allow God to pass you through.
The past, has passed, and it was time to let go.
Pass it on.

Get passed it, to pass;
and while doing so,
pass on the passages of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of truth passed onto you.
Pass it out,…Pass it on.
The cross as the compass in our hearts guiding the way on the map to the righteous road.
A passionate paragon, piously passed,
past depths of spiritual resonance;
a passing of death to life…
Pass it on.

Phillipians 3:13-14
Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it; But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has call me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:2:
And the things you have heard Me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.

Paul reminds us of the importance of sharing our faith, and Godly knowledge with others. Whether through mentorship, sharing your story/testimony of your affliction, or simply living as an example of God’s power, love, and wisdom. In this time we are given, pass it on!

#ChronicIllness #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #ChronicPain #MitochondrialDisease #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #POTS #Dysautonomia #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease

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Autism and Borderline Personality Disorder….. the misery experienced by loved ones is immense.

Living with my chronically ill, autistic, BPD, young adult daughter is like living with an abusive spouse ( I would know cause I lived with one for 16 years before divorcing him). I can’t kick her out cause she isn’t totally capable of living on her own and doesn’t have much income and I don’t have any family that she could go live with. She doesn’t drive either so is totally dependent on me to get her to her part time job and frequent doctor appointments. However I am chronically ill too with several difficult conditions and work full time and care for my youngest daughter that is totally disabled from her chronic illnesses and it is just too much to always deal with the continual cycle of ups and downs she goes through due to her mental and developmental diagnoses. She is on medication that is helping some to stabilize her moods and help her severe anxiety, but she still goes into really awful episodes where her thinking is all over the place and she lashes out verbally and accuses me of things that don’t even make sense. She yells and cussed at me, calls me names and says I’m stupid and don’t really love her. She does the same to her sister but on a lesser scale than with me. In those episodes I can’t reason with her and she is determined that I’m causing her problems. When she is clear headed she can be kind and loving, but she always has another episode before long that is horrible for me to deal with. I feel I’m being verbally and emotionally abused just like I was from my ex- husband. I want a peaceful life and I just can’t seem to ever achieve it due to the whole situation. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing? I would really appreciate input. #Fibromyalgia #AutismSpectrumDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #chronicmigraine #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Dysautonomia #UlcerativeColitis #EoE #OCD #DisorderedEating #InterstitialCystitis #Endometriosis #IBS #FoodAllergies

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Autism and Borderline Personality Disorder….. the misery experienced by loved ones is immense.

Living with my chronically ill, autistic, BPD, young adult daughter is like living with an abusive spouse ( I would know cause I lived with one for 16 years before divorcing him). I can’t kick her out cause she isn’t totally capable of living on her own and doesn’t have much income and I don’t have any family that she could go live with. She doesn’t drive either so is totally dependent on me to get her to her part time job and frequent doctor appointments. However I am chronically ill too with several difficult conditions and work full time and care for my youngest daughter that is totally disabled from her chronic illnesses and it is just too much to always deal with the continual cycle of ups and downs she goes through due to her mental and developmental diagnoses. She is on medication that is helping some to stabilize her moods and help her severe anxiety, but she still goes into really awful episodes where her thinking is all over the place and she lashes out verbally and accuses me of things that don’t even make sense. She yells and cussed at me, calls me names and says I’m stupid and don’t really love her. She does the same to her sister but on a lesser scale than with me. In those episodes I can’t reason with her and she is determined that I’m causing her problems. When she is clear headed she can be kind and loving, but she always has another episode before long that is horrible for me to deal with. I feel I’m being verbally and emotionally abused just like I was from my ex- husband. I want a peaceful life and I just can’t seem to ever achieve it due to the whole situation. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing? I would really appreciate input. #Fibromyalgia #AutismSpectrumDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #chronicmigraine #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Dysautonomia #UlcerativeColitis #EoE #OCD #DisorderedEating #InterstitialCystitis #Endometriosis #IBS #FoodAllergies

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