I don’t know where to start; I guess at the beginning. I remember as a child always feeling not as good, not as pretty, not smart enough, & ………. In 2007 my now ex husband and I were separated (my decision), he started hanging with a different crowd and got into things I didn’t want around my children. Two weeks of separation and I hadn’t heard from him, I actually thought but was going to be an easy process. Well I was wrong; he had followed me when I went to get groceries, without my knowledge. When I got to my car he grabbed me and 3.5 hours of hell insued. I got away; he went to prison for a number of charges. I was and have been in a prison of my own since. My family has fallen apart. In February of 2020 I tried to commit suicide. I have so many feelings, issues, symptoms; whatever you may call them. I don’t have insurance and I’m fairly new to my area; I can’t find mental health help that I can afford. I know I’m getting worse I can feel it. I will be 48 next month, I have three beautiful daughters, and two grandchildren and one on the way. I don’t want them to remember me this way; I don’t want to be this way. I had a cardiac arrest in 2016, was in a coma for 13 days, and the hospital for 28 days. The cardiologist asked me about mental health problems because of my age and he seemed to believe my mental health had something to do with my heart condition.? I live in northern Alabama, if someone could point me in the right direction to feel better it would be greatly appreciated. I’m sorry for the long post I’m just at a place where I don’t know where else to turn. #MentalHealth #mylegacy #Embarrassed