I should never have gone to Mexico.
I should have started earlier.
I should have brought my computer with me.
I should have taken the time to read through my paper again.
I should have added all sources as I used them, instead of forgetting a couple times.
I should have taken the time to do it properly.
I should have talked to her about the date being an issue instead of letting the feelings build up and lead to more procrastination on the paper due to frustration with the situation.

I’ve been crying on and off for almost 4 hrs.
Friend planned to get married in Mexico, initially I thought she was planning it for reading break (meaning no missed university). Last march(?) she sent a group message to certain ppl in and out of the wedding party, myself as maid of honour included. The message said which works better? And listed a week at the end of January, and one at the end of February; both not on reading break. I fumed, I ignored the message. Later I eventually put “I’ll be in school during both.. I’ll come for whatever I can”. She didn’t reply to my comment at all. And never acknowledged the possible issue/stress it created. I felt I couldn’t “not go” to my Best friends wedding. Booked trip as normal during May. In December when it came time to pay the full deposit I talked to my school and to the travel agent. I could miss all but the Friday and then just catch up. Had to cancel and rebook the trip to make the dates match.
February came around, major paper is due on the Thursday of the trip. I figured it would be okay, I would work on it during reading break (the week before).

I got some sources together, and researched. Monday-wednesday flew by and I didn’t have anything written yet. Thursday I got a couple pages done. Friday I continued. It was 10 pm Friday when I realized I might need to do an all-nighter. I continued through the night and finished my paper at 410am.We had to leave for the airport at 450. I made sure the formatting worked, took off all the highlights I had put, and submitted it “phew” I was done.

During vacation I realized a few errors (had sent it to myself via email just in case), and a friend pointed a couple out. Fixed them and got my friend to resubmit it for me (I didn’t have access to a computer in Mexico). Thought it was sorted.

Present day:
Got my grade back. It was crap, but, the comments are what got me. 22 comments of “citation missing/reference needed”. There’s got to be a mistake I thought, I went through them and 90% were from my own head, 3 were not. They gave me a grade, but there is no way that, with 22 “missing references” as they see it, they won’t call it plagiarism. Comments in the rubric referring to several missing sources, vague comment in the end where my prof says to “come see her if I need clarification of the feedback”.

She didn’t sent me an outright “you’ve plagiarized, you are failed”. And the grade is throwing me off. It does say on the website (see comment ctd)