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8 days clean and sober from weed!

Wow. I never thought I could make it a werk. It's been years since I stopped like this. But to be honest. I never felt better. Never felt more clear minded. More positive. More living in the moment ! ✨️ it's going to be a tough journey but I know I have a great support system around me. My BPD is very maintainable right now. I feel like wasted so much time from something I thought I was having fun with. But it ended up to be a terrible habit that I turned into an addiction. I'm disappointed in myself but I'm also proud of myself for making changes that are gonna be hard. This is for the best. I lost friends over quitting pot. But if you don't understand then please jusy leave my life. I don't need negativity when I've been down for years now. I have never felt happier 😊 herez to many more clean sober days ahead! #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #quittingweed #soberliving

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Quitting weed with bpd

Well. The title says it all. I'm officially quitting weed because I realized the problem I was abusing and addicted and numbing myself from my bpd. But now I'm day 5 clean. And I'm feeling clear headed more than ever. Positive. Motivated again. Let's say. Also some people are making it hard to quit weed. Saying I shouldn't or that it's not addictive. It is. Every drug is addictive. Especially if you have an addictive personality. But I want to give some advice if your trying to quit. Please don't hesitate to reach out and we can quit together. My bpd without weed so far isn't bad some emotional days but that could be withdraws still! #quittingweed #weed #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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