Canes and doctors
I saw my eye doctor yesterday. All my tests went well: the cataracts haven’t gotten any larger nor have the holes in my peripheral vision. However, she is increasing me on Diamox to a total of 2000 a day to decrease the high pressure days. I even got to pick out a cute pair of glasses (with my wife’s help, due to my eyes being dilated) which will have rented lenses.
My wife is talking about the cane being optional eventually, but I’m unsure. It’s not just #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension affecting it, but also #Meningitis alongside repetitive stress injuries. In essence, I think I should have been using a cane before now, and I think considering it optional in the near future is premature.
I have hid a lot of the effects of my right side being weakened and injured, even before the meningitis and IIH, because I didn’t want to look weak or people worry about me. The meningitis and IIH just underscored the underlying injuries all over the right side.
Besides, what could I do?
I didn’t have insurance from 18-23, and seeing a doctor even now can be challenging.
I love the cane, it’s great being able to walk and not being in pain. And it’s been hurting so long and so bad, I don’t see much of an alternative. I have been in some physical therapy, but it didn’t do anything except keep my knee and shoulder feel like they are coming unglued as often.
How in the world do I talk to my wife about this?
I don’t want to worry her; she is my everything.
I’d rather handle this myself.
#IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #IIH #ChronicPain #Meningitis #ADHD #Autism #Bipolar1Disorder