I’ve had a really hard time these last couple of years with #Hypersomnia / #Narcolepsy symptoms, so I finally went to a sleep doctor. My insurance won’t cover an in-clinic sleep study, so I had to settle for the home study, which was NOT accurate in terms of sleep efficiency and sleep latency readings, but said that I *barely* have mild sleep apnea, and only on my back. Apparently, “true” hypersomnia and narcolepsy are extremely complicated to diagnose, even with an in-depth sleep study.

So, my doctor and I explored all the options:

-sleep aid at night: already tried it, and doesn’t solve my excessive daytime sleepiness

-wakefulness aid: (ie: stimulants) can’t prescribe due to my tachycardia

-sleep position therapy: keeps me from sleeping on my back, which is the position recommended by my previous physio for my back/hip pain

- mouth guard: probably won’t work, due to my lack of teeth, and is currently out of my budget

- CPAP: complete pain in the butt and expensive, and a bit overkill for the “borderlinesleep apnea diagnosis

- Scheduling: what I’ve been trying to do anyways, but doesn’t work, because I get so dang tired at random times and my kids and I have things to do.

I’m feeling so stuck and frustrated, because I just want my frigging life back! I want to have the energy to do all the things I’m supposed to do, and I was really hoping this might hold some answers.

#Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis