I was born sick
That a actually might be a line from a song, the song just alludes me at this current moment. The #Weather is dreary, and messing with the #barometricpressure , so because I have #Hydrocephalus I feel like poop.
I don’t know what people go through when they become ill, it’s extremely hard to empathize, with them. I don’t know. I was born at #28weeks gestation, and 2lbs 4oz. I was also dxed with #CongenitalHydrocephalus , #Amblyopia , #Brainbleed and later, learning disabilities and cerebral palsy, #AntiphospholipidSyndrome and #Autism.
I have been wrongly dxed, and had pills shoved down my throat that made my feel zombified. I’ve spoken to my peers about why my head is shaved and why I have a gnarly scar on my head, or why I can’t participate in a sport.
But I don’t understand what it’s like to be normal and feel grief about being ill.
When I get a new dx, it’s just another bunch of signs and symptoms to watch out for.
And my main concern is, will this shorten my life span.
Most people I encounter have been dxed later in life, and they have no idea how to process pain, tiredness, taking pills, doctors visits... #Surgery, #Complications . None of it.
It’s just all so interesting from a ##spooniesincebirth